God Helps Those Who Help Themselves?

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English service on February 16

Messenger: Pastor Jim Allison 

Exodus 17:8-16 

God Helps Those Who Help Themselves?


Today I want to give you the last message in the series, Things God Never Said.  We have looked at various sayings that you are likely to hear if you are around Christian people, which you may assume are Bible teachings, yet actually are not in God’s word.  The reason we are doing this is that our misunderstandings of the Lord’s teachings can make it difficult for us to follow Him in faith and love.  So our greater purpose in receiving these messages, as always, is to deepen our relationships with God and, as a result, with people.   


Here are a few sayings you may have heard from Christians.  Yet none of them is in the Bible.


This, too, shall pass.

Cleanliness is next to godliness.

When God closes a door, He opens a window.

A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t. 

God said it.  I believe it.  That settles it.


Honestly, it seems to me that there is quite a lot of wisdom in those words and they are often true.  Yet they are not directly from our Lord, and they can easily be misunderstood or misused in certain ways.


Thinking of words like this as actual Christian teachings is really part of the larger problem of the very poor knowledge of the Bible in modern society.  Even in so-called Christian nations, many people are going through life without ever gaining a solid understanding of God’s word.  For example, when Charles Dickens wrote his famous A Christmas Carol in 1843, he knew that he could count on his readers to understand words like the following.  Bob Cratchit is talking to Mrs. Cratchit about their son, Tiny Tim, who cannot walk freely.   


Somehow he gets thoughtful, sitting by himself so much, and thinks the strangest 

things you ever heard. He told me, coming home, that he hoped the people saw

him in the church, because he was a cripple, and it might be pleasant to them to

remember upon Christmas Day, who made lame beggars walk, and blind men see.


Dickens never uses the word Christ, but he knows his readers understand that he is talking about Jesus and the Bible stories of His restoring to health people with many different needs.


Contrasting that with recent times, in one survey in the U.S. at least 12 percent of adults said they believed that Joan of Arc was Noah's wife.  (Get it?  Part of Joan of Arc’s name—the big boat that carried Noah and the animals.)  In another poll of high school seniors, over 50 percent thought that Sodom and Gomorrah were husband and wife.  (Remember the cities destroyed by God in Genesis 19?)  A fairly large number in one group answered that the Sermon on the Mount was preached by Billy Graham.  (Graham, the well-known preacher, lived about 1900 years after Christ.)  Reportedly, others thought that Jesus’ most famous talk is called the Sermon on the Mount because He gave it on horseback.  (A mount can be a mountain or a horse in English.)  Still others indicated that the epistles were the wives of the apostles.  (See it?  The New Testament letters—the specially-chosen followers of Christ.) 


Last example: according to 82 percent of Americans, “God helps those who help themselves” is a quote from the Bible.  It’s not, and that’s the saying I want to focus on with you today.  It may sound like something you would expect Jesus to say.  And it is true that God does not teach us as His children to be passive or lazy.  I understand God to teach that He will generally not do for you what He enables you to do.  


But putting the focus on helping ourselves really takes the focus off of opening ourselves to the Lord’s help.  And that seems to be the point in the teachings of the God of the Bible.  Actually, we probably got the saying, “God helps those who help themselves,” more from Aesop’s fables than the Bible.  The fable of “Hercules and the Wagoner” is about a farmer whose wagon gets stuck in the mud.  He doesn’t try to push it out but prays to Hercules to help.  Hercules appears but refuses to help until the farmer makes an effort for himself.  The farmer then follows the teaching, works with his horses to get the wagon out, and goes his way.  The point is: “Heaven helps those who help themselves.”


Our cultures, case by case, may lead us to feel more comfortable with Aesop’s fables than with true Christian faith.  That can be because there is something inside us as human beings that resists asking for help.  I want to be able to take care of myself.  Asking for help damages my pride.  It makes me feel small, not skilled enough, not powerful enough.  I may know in my head that I need help, but I don’t want to ask for it.


And when I won’t, this can lead to greater problems.  What starts out as a problem can easily grow into a crisis if I am not willing to get help.  A strained marriage relationship can become a divorce.  A bad habit can become an addiction.  Being over budget can become a deep debt.  Just a little flirtation can become an affair and broken marriage vows.  A problem with procrastination can turn into unemployment.  The habit of using sarcasm can turn me into a person that no one wants as a friend.


So who does receive God’s help?  The Bible’s teachings make it clear that God helps people who ask for His help.  The main thing we need to do to receive His help is sincerely seek it.  So the Christian life is not one of self-help nearly so much as a life of prayer.  Staying in communication with God our Father is a key, irreplaceable part of living as His children.


An example of this truth appears in Exodus 2:23-25.  The king of Egypt had protected the Hebrews as the people of Joseph, a key leader in his government.  But . . .


23 After a long time, the king of Egypt died. The people of Israel groaned because they were slaves. They also cried out to God. Their cry for help went up to him. 24 God heard their groans. He remembered his covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 25 So God looked on the Israelites with favor. He was concerned about them.


To be clear, God does not only help those who ask for His help.  Often He helps people who don’t ask for it and may not even realize that He is helping them.  Of course they may never thank Him for it.  God is first and most a God of love, so mercy, grace, compassion, and generous giving are at the heart of who He is.  Jesus says about His Father, “He causes his sun to shine on evil people and good people” (Matthew 5:45).  But because He is a loving God, He makes us free, and He knows that our freely choosing to seek His help is necessary if we are going to live lives of true faith.  


One of the clearest examples of this comes in the Exodus 17 story of God’s people facing the Amalekites in battle.  As Sasaki-san suggested in last week’s message, it would be a mistake to read this story as teaching that God wants people to fight in wars.  The point is not that we can get God to help us defeat people who oppose us or something like that.  But the fact is that life is a battle at times.  In the Hebrews’ case, they are attacked and have to defend themselves or die, it seems.  Our lives’ battles may not be military ones but just as real.  We may have to fight health problems, addictions, temptations from within us, or injustice of many types, for example.  So the Hebrews’ story is our story, too.


When the Amalakites attack, the Hebrews have to decide how to respond.  Their leader, Moses, has been raised in the household of the pharoah, or king.  So it is very likely that he has been trained in military strategy.  Joshua, a key leader in the Hebrews’ military, no doubt expects some keen planning for the upcoming battle with the Amalekites when he goes to talk with Moses.  


But what Moses plans is totally different.  When the fight begins, he stands up on the top of a hill overlooking the battlefield.  The soldiers may be able to see him holding in his hands the staff of God.  It’s the symbol of the presence and power of the Lord.  He held it when he stretched out his hand over the Red Sea, opening it and making a way for the people of God to walk across to freedom, safety, life, salvation.  


Moses doesn’t use his hand to point and give signals like “Attack now” or “Go here” or “Go there.”  Instead, he simply raises his hands—lifting them upward to God.  He is seeking God’s help.  And while he does this, the untrained group of former slaves somehow does amazingly well.  They start winning the battle.  


But Moses gets tired, and when he cannot continue to hold his hands high, the Hebrews begin to lose.  So Moses, in seeking and receiving God’s help, learns that he also needs the support of the people around him.  The Lord chooses here, as He so often does, to do His work of salvation through ordinary human beings.  In this case it’s Aaron and Hur, who help Moses find a place to sit.  And they physically hold up his arms when he cannot keep them raised himself.  No doubt Moses is praying through this time, though the text does not describe him as speaking aloud to God.  He is not trying to help on his own power but actively seeking God’s strength and protection—His blessing. 


In this way, the people of God win the battle they must fight, and they come to know Him in a deeper way through the experience.  They are learning that He is someone on whom they can rely for strength in times of trouble, and always.  Moses calls Him by a name that expresses this growing understanding of God and faith in Him: Jehovah Nissi (“the Lord my Banner”) in verse 15.  


In this story the God of the Bible teaches us a simple but life-changing truth: you and I are not made to live on our own power.  We are created to live in dependence on God.  None of us decided to be born and raised himself or herself.  We receive life as a gift from Him.  We live by depending on the love of parents and others who care for us.  One of the great meanings of Christmas is the incarnation, that is, God took on human flesh and became one of us.  That means, for one thing, that Jesus learned to ask for help.  He would need to say to Mary, for example, “Help me get dressed.”  “Help me eat my food.”  If a person grows up and lives long enough, he or she often will come to give help to parent, just as he or she received it as a child.  If that same person lives still longer, he or she will come to need help again to get dressed, eat food, and so on to get through each day.  It was that way with Christ, too.  In the end, God-in-the-flesh could not even carry His own cross.  Jesus’ story on this earth comes to an end as it began, with Him—the Son of Almighty God—knowing what it means to be weak and need help.  Only after that does the resurrection take place.


That is the way God intends for us to live our lives—in the process of seeking and receiving His help.  In harmony with that, we are designed to live seeking, receiving, and giving help with each other from day to day and year to year.  We are here to help each other.  When we really do that, we don’t just get more.  It also makes us humble.  That’s because, as the author Alex Haley said, “Anytime you see a turtle up on top of a fence post, you know he had some help.”  In other words, no matter how successful someone becomes, that person didn’t get to that point in life alone.  We all receive a great deal from many people, and remembering that will help us live with a sense of thankfulness, not just entitlement.


How have you experienced God’s help in your life?  How has God used other people to help you?  Our Bible Discussion time after worship today may be a good chance for you to share your answers to these questions.  


One man who asked for and received God’s help was Bill Wilson.  In the 1930s he was a New York stockbroker but struggled greatly with alcoholism.  He had tried many things for a long time to become free from its power but completely failed.  When he finally reached bottom, he asked God for help.  He later wrote, 

In utter despair I cried out, “If there be a God, will He show Himself.”  There immediately came to me an illumination of enormous impact and dimension, something which I have since tried to describe in the book “Alcoholics Anonymous” . . . .

My release from the alcohol obsession was immediate.  At once I knew I  was a free man. 

Bill W., as many called him, went on to work as one of the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous.  The organization has grown and helped many people around the world find help in fighting their battles with addiction to alcohol.  Though clearly not perfect, members of this organization have helped many “friends of Bill” find hope, strength, and well-being.  And from its beginning, it has relied on the spiritual resources of faith, with many of its key members followers of Christ and its basic principles drawn from Bible teachings.  It all began, and continues, with simple but sincere prayer to God for help. 


Again, the good news on which we as Christ-followers stand, is not that we can provide for ourselves all we need through hard work—but that God Himself is able and willing to help us go through whatever situation we are in.  Our hope lies not in our own good works but Christ Himself.  Romans 5:6-8 puts it this way:


6 At just the right time Christ died for ungodly people. He died for us when we had no power of our own. 7 It is unusual for anyone to die for a godly person. 


Maybe someone would be willing to die for a good person. 8 But here is how God has shown his love for us. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.


Where do you need God’s help most in your life now?  What would it look like to seek His help with that today?  “God, I need your help to overcome this addiction.”  “God, help me learn to live free from the power of fear.”  “God, I have a health problem that is too big for me.  I need you to take it away now, and if that is not your best plan, then I need you to give me the strength to go through this difficult time until you do release me from it some day.”  “God, I can’t keep these terrible thoughts out of my mind.  Free me from them.  Fill my mind with yourself.”  “God, I haven’t lived in joy for a long time.  Help me learn how to do that again.”  


Whatever the prayer is that you need to pray, I urge you to pray it now.  And tell Pastor Sasaki or me or another person here if you want someone to pray with you.  If not, then alone, quietly in your heart, just say the words to God that He is leading you to say.  He is listening.  He will hear and respond in the way and time you need it most.  He is able to help, and He is willing to help.  God helps those who can’t help themselves.  He helps those who cannot and know it and so ask for His help.  I invite you to do that together with me now, as we pray.


Loving Father, we come to you at your invitation.  You have told us through Christ, “Come to me, all of you who are tired and are carrying heavy loads. I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28a).  And we come before you with knowledge from Your word of the way you work: “‘. . . Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty” (Zechariah 4:6b).  Free us from the spirit of pride and our stubborn insistence that we can take care of ourselves.  Deliver us from all that stops us from seeking and finding the guidance, support, wisdom, and all that you want to give us as your children.  Put in us the will to say from our hearts, “What I have, God gave me.  What I am, God made me.  What I know, God taught me.  And where I am, God brought me.”  You are a gracious and merciful God, and you delight in blessing people who recognize these simple truths.  So help us make them our hearts’ confession as we go through each day ahead of us.  We place ourselves again in your loving, powerful hands, and pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.




Aesop. (n.d.). “Hercules and the Wagoner.” Retrieved February 9, 2020 from https://americanliterature.com/author/aesop/short-story/hercules- and-the-wagoner

Alcoholics Anonymous. (2020). Historical Data: The Birth of A.A. and Its Growth in the U.S./Canada. Retrieved February 11, 2020 from https://www.aa.org/pages/en_ US/historical-data-the-birth-of-aa-and-its-growth-in-the-uscanada

Charles, H. B. (January 4, 2017). God Helps Those Who Cannot Help Themselves. Shiloh Church. Retrieved January 30, 2020 from https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=U2i7XSXFvEg

Dickens, C. (1843). A Christmas Carol. In Prose. Being a Ghost Story of Christmas. Chapman and Hall. Retrieved February 9, 2020 from https://www.pagebypagebooks.com/Charles_Dickens/A_Christmas_ Carol/Stave_3_The_Second_of_the_Three_Spirits_p5.html

Haley, A. (n.d.). Goodreads. Alex Haley quotes. Retrieved February 11, 2020 from https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/17434.Alex_Haley

Mohler, A. (June 29, 2004). The Scandal of Biblical Illiteracy: It’s Our Problem. Christian Headlines. Retrieved February 9, 2020 from https://www. christianheadlines.com/columnists/al-mohler/the-scandal-of-biblical-illiteracy-it s-our-problem-1270946.html

Ortberg, J. (June 9, 2019). “God Helps Those Who Help Themselves.” I didn’t say that. Menlo Church. Menlo Park, California. Retrieved February 9, 2020 from https://menlo.church/series/i-didnt-say-that#/modal/message/5263/mlo

Wilson, W. (January 23, 1961). Letter to Dr. Carl Jung from Bill Wilson. Where and When for Alabama AA District 2. February 21, 2016 By District 2. Retrieved February 11, 2020 from https://the12traditions.com/235/letter-to-dr-carl-jung-from- bill-wilson/


Exodus 17:8-16

8 The Amalekites came and attacked the Israelites at Rephidim. 

9 Moses said to Joshua, "Choose some of our men. Then go out and fight against the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill. I'll stand there with the staff of God in my hands." 

10 So Joshua fought against the Amalekites, just as Moses had ordered. Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill. 

11 As long as Moses held his hands up, the Israelites were winning. But every time he lowered his hands, the Amalekites began to win. 

12 When Moses' arms got tired, Aaron and Hur got a stone and put it under him. Then he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up. Aaron was on one side, and Hur was on the other. Moses' hands remained steady until sunset. 

13 So Joshua destroyed the Amalekite army with swords. 

14 Then the LORD said to Moses, "That is something to be remembered. So write it on a scroll. Make sure Joshua knows you have done it. I will completely erase the memory of the Amalekites from the earth." 

15 Then Moses built an altar. He called it The LORD Is My Banner. 

16 He said, "I raised my hands toward the throne of the Lord. The LORD will fight against the Amalekites for all time to come."





 今日、私は “ 神様が言われていない事 “ という題で行ってきたメッセージシリーズの最後のメッセージをしたいと思います。私達は、クリスチャンであるなら多分聞いたことがあるだろう様々な格言で、聖書の教えから来ているものと決めてかかっているけれど実際は神様の言葉ではないものについてこれまで見てきました。私達がそうするのは、主の教えに対する誤解が、信仰と愛によって神様に従って行くことを困難にすることがあるからです。ですからこれらのメッセージを受け取る大きな目的は、絶えず神様との関係をより深めることであり、結果的には人々との関係を深めることです。


























 これを最近の時代と対比させると、アメリカにおける調査の一つですが、少なくとも大人の12%が、Joan of Arc(ジャンヌ ダルクの英語読み)がノアの妻であると信じていると言っています(お分かりになりますか? 名前のJoan of Arc がノアの方舟のArkとなっているのです。あの大きな船でノアと動物を運んだことです。) 。 他の調査では高校生の高学年の50%以上で、ソドムとゴモラが夫婦の名前だと思っているとのことです(創世記で神様に滅ぼされた都市の名前ですね。)。また、あるグループのとても高い割合で、山上の垂訓はビリーグラハムの説教によるものと答えた人々がいるとのことです(ビリーグラハムは著名な説教者でキリストの1900年も後で生きた人です。)。伝えられた事によると、他に、イエス様の最も有名な説教は山上の垂訓( the Sermon on the Mount) 呼ばれるが、それは馬に乗って行われたからと思っている人々がいるとのことです(英語のMount は山という意味の他に馬という意味もあるからです。)。まだ他にも、epistles( イピスル 使徒書簡) という言葉が使徒(apostles)の妻達を示すことだというのもあります(分かりますか?新約聖書でキリストによって特別に選ばれた者達、使徒の英語に似ていることから)。


 最後の例です、82%のアメリカ人は、” 神は自らを助ける者を助ける” が聖書からの引用だと思っているとのことです。それは違います。私が今日、皆さんとともに焦点を当てて行こうと考えている格言です。イエス様がそのように言われることを皆さんが期待しそうなことですよね。神様は、従って来る者達に、受け身で、怠惰であれとは教えておられないのは事実です。



 私達自身を助けるという事に焦点を当てるのは、事実として主の助けに対し私達自身を解放することに焦点を当てないことになります。そしてその事は、聖書の神様の教えにおける要点であると思うのです。私達は多分、実際に、” 神は自らを助ける者を助ける” という格言を聖書よりもイソップ物語から得ているのでしょう。この物事の ”ヘラクレスと牛追い” のことで、荷車が泥ではまって動かなくなった農民の話です。その農民は泥から抜け出そうと努力をせず、ヘラクレスに祈って助けを求めました。そこに現れたヘラクレスは、農民が自分自身で努力をするまで助けることを拒否しました。すると農民はその教えに従って自分で牛を追いたて荷車を脱出させました。

 その教えの要点が、” 神は自らを助ける者を助ける” です。







 では誰が神様の助けを受けるのでしょう? 聖書の教えははっきりと、神様の助けを求める人を神様が助けると明かにしています。私達が神様の助けを受けるために最も必要な事は真摯に求める事です。なのでクリスチャンの生活は、ほとんど祈ることのない自分自身を助けるという生活ではありません。私達の父なる神様とのコミュニケーションの中に止まることが大事で、神様の子供として生きることのかけがえのない部分です。






   める叫びは神に届いた。24 神は彼らの嘆きを聞かれ、アブラハム、

   イサク、ヤコブとの契約を思い起こされた。 25 神はイスラエル人   



 明らかなこととして、神様は神様の助けを求める者だけを助けるのではないのです。度々神様は、神様に助けを求めておらず、神様が助けている事をも理解しないであろう人々も助けられるのです。その場合彼らはもちろん助けられた事で神様に感謝することはありません。最も大事な事は神様が愛の神であり、慈悲深く、恵みに溢れ、同情される、与える事に寛大なお方であって、それが神様であることの本質であるという事です。イエス様は父なる神様について、” 神は邪悪な人にも、良い人の上にも太陽を輝かせて下さいます。” と仰っています。神様は愛する神であられるので、私達を自由にし、もし私達が真の信仰によって生きるなら私達が自由に神様の助けを求めることが必要なことを知っておられるのです。







 モーセは自分の手を、” 今だ、攻めろ。” とか、” あそこへ行け。” など指示したり合図を出す事に使いません。代わりにただ単に両手を上げるー神様に向かって持ち上げるーことをします。彼は神様の助けを求めているのです。そして彼がそうしている間は、奴隷上がりの訓練されていない集団は、驚くべきことに何とか良く戦っています。彼らは戦いに勝ち始めるのです。





 このようにして神様の民は戦わなければならない戦いに勝利し、この経験を通して神様をより深い方法で知るようになりました。彼らは神様が困難な時の、またいついかなる時の力として自分達が信頼できるお方であると学んだのです。モーセは15章で神様を、大きく成長する神様に対する理解と信仰を表すアドナイ・ニシ(Jehovah Nissi “ 主はわが旗” )という名前で呼びました。


 この物語で、聖書の神様は私達に、簡単ではありますが人生を変えるほどの真実を教えています。皆さんや私は自分自身の力だけで生きるようには作られていないのです。私達は神様に頼って生きるように作られています。私達の誰もが私達自身として生まれ育てられることを決めていません。私達は神様からの贈物として命を授かっています。私達は両親やお世話をしてくれる誰かの愛に頼って生きています。クリスマスの一つの大きな意味は、受肉ということで、それは神様が人間の肉体を取り私達のうちの1人となられたということです。それはイエス様が助けを求めるのを学ばれたことを意味します。例えばイエス様は母マリアに ” 着替えを助けて” , “ 食べるのを助けて”  と言う必要があったことでしょう。人が成長し十分長く生きると、自分達が子供の時にされたように、両親のお世話をする様になることでしょう。そしてもしその人がもっと生きるなら、再び毎日の生活の着替えや食事の助けが必要になります。それはキリストにあっても同じだったと思います。結果的に受肉した神様は自分の十字架を背負い運ぶことができませんでした。イエス様の地上での物語は始まった時と同じようにー全能の神の子として弱いということ、助けが必要であるということを知りつつー終わります。この後でのみ復活が起こるのです。


 これが、私達が神様の助けを求めそして受ける過程の中で自分の人生を生きる上で神様が私達にして欲しいと思われる方法です。このことと調和して、私達は、日々そして毎年、お互いに助けを求め、受け、与えて生きるように設計されているのです。私達はお互いに助け合うためにここにいます。私達が真にこれを為す時、私達は単にもっと得るだけではなく、謙遜にもさせられるのです。ですので、作家のアレックス・ヘイリーは、” フェンスの支柱の上に乗っている亀を見ると、その亀には助けがあった(亀は望んでも自分で支柱の上には登れない)。” と言っているのです。言い換えるなら、誰かがいかに成功しようとも、その人生でその人ただ一人ではそこにたどり着けなかったということです。私達の誰もが多くの人から多くのことを得ています。そしてそのことを覚えることは、単に当然の事と思うのではなく、感謝の念を持って生きることの助けとなるのです。







  完全な絶望の中で私は、” 神様がおられるのなら、ご自身を表して下さ

  い。” と叫び呼びかけたのです。すると直ぐに途方もない衝撃と大きさ

  の光が私にやって来ました。それは、私がそれ以降  “ アルコール依存

  症更生会” という本で表現しようとしている何かなのです。





 ビルW と多くの人が呼んでいる彼は、アルコール依存症更生会の創生者の1人として働き始めました。組織は大きくなり、アルコール依存と戦う世界中の多くの人々を助けています。完全ではないにしても、この組織のメンバーは、多くの “ ビルの仲間達” が希望、力、幸せを見つける手助けをしてきています。そして最初から、組織は信仰を精神的な資質として頼っており、その多くの主要メンバーはキリストに従う者であり、基本原理を聖書の教えから得ているのです。全てが始まって、続いているのは、ただ真摯な祈りで神様に助けを求めているからです。




  6 私達がまだ弱かった時、キリストは定められた時に不敬虔な者のため

  に死んで下さいました。7 正しい人のためにでも死ぬ人はほとんどあり


  う。8 しかし私達がまだ罪人であった時、キリストが私達のために死ん





 皆さんは今、人生においてどこに神様の助けを最も必要とされていますか? 今日そのことで神様の助けを求めるたらどのようになるでしょう?

“ 神様、この依存に打ち勝つにはあなたの助けが必要です。”  “ 神様、恐怖の力から自由に生きることを学べるように助けて下さい。”

 “ 神様、私には健康上の問題があって、それは私には大きすぎます。今それを取り去っていただきたいのです。でももし、それが神様の最も良い計画でないのなら、いつの日か私をそれから解放して下さるまで、困難な時を通って行くことができる力を下さい。”  “ 神様、こんな酷い考えが心から離れられません。そのことから自由にして下さい。あなたでこの心を満たして下さい。” 神様、長い間喜びの内に生活していません。どうしたら再びそのように生活できるか学べるよう助けて下さい。” 




 愛する神様、私達はあなたの招きによってあなたの御下へ行きます。あなたはイエス様を通して、” 全て疲れて重荷を負っている者は私の下に来なさい。私があなた方を休ませてあげよう。” (マタイ11章28節前段) と言われました。私達はあなたが働かれる方法についてあなたが語られた言葉の知識を持ってあなたのみ前に行きます。” 武力によらず、権力によらず、我が霊による。 “ (ゼカリヤ書4章6節後段) 。

 私達を私達のプライドから、自分で自分の面倒を見ることに固執する頑固さから自由にして下さい。ガイダンス、サポート、知恵を求め見つけること、あなたの子供としてあなたが私達に与えたいと思われる全ての事、これらを押し止める全ての事から解放して下さい。私達が心から、” 私が持っているものは、神様が下さったもの。” “ 私が私であるのは、神様がそう作られたから。” 私が知っていることは、神様が教えて下さったこと。” “ 私がいるところは神様が連れて来て下さったところ。” と言える決心を私達の心に入れて下さい。あなたは優しく慈悲深い神様で、これらの単純な真実を理解する者達を祝福し喜んで下さいます。私達の前にあるそれぞれの日々を過ごす上で私達が心から、それらが私達の告白になるよう助けて下さい。私達は私達自身を再びあなたの愛に溢れた力強い御手に委ねます。イエス様のお名前によってお祈りします。アーメン。