Do What Makes You Happy

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English service on October 20

Messenger: Pastor Jim Allison

I Peter 3:8-15 

“Do What Makes You Happy”


Hello, everyone.  As you may recall, here at Open Door we are in a series of messages with the title, “Things God Never Said.”  We are exploring various sayings and ideas you may hear, especially if you are around church a lot, but which God has never really taught us in the Bible.  For example, I remember one day when I was in junior high school.  I think it was a hot, summer day in the small town where I lived.  The excitement and feeling of freedom in the first few days of summer vacation from school had passed.  The boredom had set in.  I began complaining to my mother, “There’s nothing fun to do here!  


“Well, go outside and play basketball or something.”


“It’s too hot.”


“Then watch something on TV.”


“There’s nothing on but soap operas.”  


“OK.  Here’s what you do.  Reading the Bible is always a good idea.  Go to your room and find for me the place in the Bible where it says, ‘An idle mind is the devil’s workshop.’  That’s probably good for you to remember today. ”


“Oh, OK.”  So I began looking.  I checked the concordance for key words like mind and devil and workshop.  Nothing there that led me to the quotation.  It sounded like Proverbs, so I began reading there.  I couldn’t find it.  After searching and searching, I finally gave up, went back to my mother, and began complaining again.


Now I know why I couldn’t find it.  Those words are not from the Bible.  They may be true or inspired by the Bible, but they aren’t there.    


How many other things that we as Christians believe come not from God and His word but other people, stories, and so on in our cultures?  Focusing on these misunderstandings can teach us.  Looking at what God does not say can help us to understand the meaning and power of the things He does.  What would we expect Him to say?  What would I tell people if I were God?  These are both different from the messages He actually chooses to give us.  So let’s look again at what He does not—and does—tell us through His word.


One of the things God never said is: “Follow me. . . on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat.”  When He said simply, “Follow me” (Luke 5:27, for example), it went a lot deeper than the online relationships we often have today.  For example, part of truly following Christ is passing on faithfully the teachings He entrusted to us as His followers.  He did not say, “Go into all the world and preach whatever makes people happy.”  Jesus did not teach, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must affirm themselves, avoid the cross, and follow their own heart.”  He said to “. . . Preach the good news” (Mark 16:15) and that a follower will “. . . say no to himself” and “pick up his cross and follow me” (Luke 9:23).      


Yet somehow even at Christian churches, we may hear the gospel as: “God wants you to be happy, above all else.”  “God wants you to experience all the good things in life.”  “More than anything, God wants to help you make your dreams come true.”  The vision of happiness that we receive from our cultures (including church cultures) can have a powerful impact on us, even if we do not notice it.  Watching the people I know and listening to the descriptions of “the good life” I hear online, on TV, and so on, I get the idea that there’s something like a mathematical formula for a happy life.  Good health + a loving family + close friends + education at highly-ranked schools + a job with a high salary + some fun hobbies + a beautiful house + a solid pension = a happy life.  


If that is the way it works, we can easily begin to think of God as working like the world’s great vending machine—when we put in the right words or actions or attitudes, we can be sure to get back just what we need from Him.  If I go to church a lot, God will keep me from getting any bad illnesses.  If I pray and read my Bible every day, the Lord will make sure that I get good grades on my tests, find a wonderful marriage partner, get a job at a great company, or whatever.  We like not the Jesus we meet in the Bible so much as the “Jaccuzi Jesus” we meet in our modern cultures.  He is mainly there to make us happy, to help us have the life we dream of having, to bring us health, wealth, and good times.  


Once you buy into the idea that God takes your happiness as His highest goal, there is a certain logic to the way you will probably approach life.  It goes something like this: (1) If God wants me to be happy above all else, then whatever makes me happy must be right, and whatever makes me unhappy must be wrong.  (2) Discomforts, delays, opposition, risks, and obstacles cannot be God’s will.  (3) To have true happiness, a key requirement is for me to do find what makes me happy and do it.  My mottoes will be: Follow your bliss.  Follow your passion.  Follow your heart.  “You do you.”  


But there are problems with this train of thought.  One, as we’ve already seen, is that God never exactly teaches it in the Bible.  Another is that, if I continue thinking this way, and I am not happy, then I will likely come to the conclusion that God either (1) failed me (isn’t really powerful), (2) isn’t really loving, or (3) never even existed in the first place.  That is a faith that will break down when you need it the most.


So what is the point?  That God doesn’t want you and me to be happy?  Let’s start there.  That much is clear in His word.  The answer is no, God does clearly want us to be happy.  For example, Psalm 97:12a says, “You who are godly, be glad because of what the LORD has done.”  Ecclesiastes 3:12 tells us that people “. . . Should be happy and do good while they live. I know there's nothing better for them to do than that.”  Then the writer continues in Ecclesiastes 11:9:


Young man, be happy while you are still young. Let your heart be joyful while you are still strong. Do what your heart tells you to do. Go after what your eyes look at. But I want you to know that God will judge you for everything you do.


Yes, God does want us to be happy.  But did you catch that last sentence?  God will also judge us.  That tells us that there is not only our happiness but something else to keep in view even more.  So let’s ask the question another way.  Are there times God does not want us to be happy?  I would say that, according to the Bible, the answer is yes.  For instance, God does not want you to be happy when the thing that is giving you short-term happiness is unwise or sinful.  When your happiness comes from something that is foolish or bad, when it in the long-term will bring damage to your life and others’, God is set against it.  


I think of my daughters as an example.  They are both students now.  When they give their time and energy to learning the best they can, and they get ready for a big test, then pass it with a good grade, I am delighted.  I celebrate with them, and their happiness in succeeding becomes my happiness and pride.  I am anything but against their having that happiness.  But if, for example, one of them got a good grade on a test and then took part in bullying a classmate on Line by making fun of them for making a bad grade, my feeling about my daughter would change.  I would not be focused on her happiness as much as her need for growth in character.  It’s not that I would stop caring about her having a happy life.  But I would want her to become free from the kind of uncaring, mean spirit that would in the long run stop her from finding her deepest happiness.  


Another way to say it is that our Father in Heaven is committed to our long-term, deepest happiness, but sin is also at work in us, pulling us toward more short-term, shallower, or simply false types of happiness—deceiving us.  Sin promises satisfaction but requires that you disobey God, and it leads sooner or later to damage and pain to you and others.  Sin promises a happiness it cannot give.  Christ teaches us to reject the call of sin and follow the call of our Lord.  In doing that we find our greatest happiness.


When we do not understand this or are not willing to do it, any number of problems can begin.  


We may not accept the idea that God and His word, the Bible, are true and 

reliable.  Our cultures may lead us toward the beliefs of relativism and postmodernism that there is no objective truth.  There is “your truth” and “my truth” but not “the truth.”  When you believe this, it is very easy to make “What makes me happy” into your standard for deciding good and bad, what you will do.  


“Why did you break your covenant promise of marriage?”  


“Well, she wasn’t happy, and I wasn’t happy, and we just decided it was better for us not to be together.”


Some people do not believe in God because they think they will lose their happiness and become miserable if they have to do all the things that “good Christian” people do.  They may even believe in God but refuse to follow Him in their actions because they think they’ll have to give up their happiness to do it.  


Are they right or wrong?  They are right in that God does tell us to give up the things we do that bring us short-term happiness but take away the long-term, deepest happiness He wants to give.  Yet He does that because He has something so much better to replace our shallow happiness with.  


Other people turn their back on faith in God because they tried it a little and decided it didn’t work.  “I went to church for three weeks in a row, and I still didn’t get the job I wanted.  My marriage is still a wreck, too.  God must not like me, if He is even there at all.”  The kind of happiness that those thoughts express is a happiness is based on happenings.  Our feelings of happiness shift and change with our shifting and changing circumstances.  


The reason we cannot find the happiness we seek is often that we are looking for it in the wrong place.  We can look for happiness in things that promise it and sound very attractive.  At least at the moment they tempt us, they seem very satisfying.  Yet they lead to something besides our deepest happiness.  As a result of seeking happiness through them, we can end up trapped in a life of slavery.  For some people, it is being unable to escape from the power of alcohol.  For others it is not being able to say no to shopping, or the wrong relationship (an abusive one, for example).  There are people who cannot break free from a critical spirit and without even thinking find something bitter and hurtful to put into nearly any conversation.  Whatever the false happiness may be, we all at times find ourselves looking for a lower kind of happiness when God designed us for a higher one.    


The thing that many people misunderstand about God is this: He  wants us not only to be happy but to be blessed.  He is not set against our greatest happiness.  He deeply desires for us to find and live in it.  But that is exactly why He calls us to first release our destructive dreams of happiness in order to take hold of His greater plans for us.  


Another key point is closely linked with this one: God is more interested in our holiness than our happiness.  It is through the process of becoming more and more like our Lord Jesus that we become holy and grow into the kind of people that God can bless.  


Under the influence of our cultures, misguided teaching, or whatever, we somehow can easily come to think that happiness and holiness are opposites, set against each other, mutually exclusive, like oil and water.  But in reality, being holy simply means being like God, who is loving, peaceful, kind, and in all other ways, spiritual.  God teaches us in I Peter 3:8-9 to live together in peace, be understanding, love one another like members of the same family, and be kind and tender.  He commands us not to be proud or pay back evil with evil or unkind words with unkind words.  Being like He teaches here is being happy.  This kind of holiness is naturally very attractive—completely different from the “holier-than-thou” attitude we may think of when we hear the word holy.  When we see that arrogant kind of attitude, we reject it, and want to avoid it.  God teaches us that holiness is the true pathway to real happiness, the kind God teaches us to have.  I Peter 1:15-16 says, “The one who chose you is holy. So you should be holy in all that you do.  It is written, ‘Be holy, because I am holy’” (Leviticus 11:44,45; 19:2).  In I John 2:15-17, we read: Do not love the world or anything in it. If you love the world, love for the Father is not in you. 16 Here is what people who belong to this world do. They try to satisfy what their sinful natures want to do. They long for what their sinful eyes look at. They brag about what they have and what they do. All of this comes from the world. It doesn't come from the Father. 17 The world and its evil longings are passing away. But those who do what God wants them to do live forever.


Through becoming holy—growing more and more like Christ—God wants you and me to live in His blessing.  I Peter 3:9 tells us that when you do the good things that you were made to do, “You can receive a blessing by doing it.”  That is good news, isn’t it!  But, again, we need to remember that His definition of blessing may be different from ours.  We may think He blesses us by giving us whatever we want, so that we don’t need to face difficult problems.  But if we go to Him as Aladdin goes to the genie to get the things he wants, we can misunderstand God on a basic level.  We may think that His greatest goal is to give us a comfortable and convenient life.  Actually, that is not what He means by blessed at all.  God teaches us that we can be blessed even in very difficult situations.  We can experience His blessings even when going through serious struggles and pain.  When those hard times become the occasion for us to seek Him and receive even greater strength to face and move through them in faith and peace, we begin to learn to live more and more in His blessing.  


A Christian pastor named Max Lucado wrote a book about heaven.  Its first chapter has the title, “The Gift of Unhappiness.”  He says that as Christians we are not happy here in this world “because we are not at home here. We are not happy here because we are not supposed to be happy here. We are ‘like foreigners and strangers in this world’ (1 Peter 2:11).

As an example, take a fish and place it on the beach.  It fights and struggles and begins to dry out.  Is it happy?  No!  How do you make it happy?  Do you give it a mountain of cash?  Do you get it a beach chair and sunglasses?  Do you bring him a Playfish magazine and martini?  Do you give it some very stylishly decorated fins and people-skinned shoes?  Of course not.  Then how do you make him happy?  You put it back in the place it naturally belongs.  You put it back in the water.  It will never be happy on the beach simply because he was not made for the beach.

And you and I will never be completely happy on earth simply because we were not made for earth.  Oh, we will have our moments of joy.  We will see very beautiful things for some time in some situations.  We will know moments or even days of peace.  But they simply do not compare with the happiness that lies ahead.  Our true home is in heaven with God.  So our greatest happiness is in being there with Him.  We cannot expect to find it in this world.  So we may need to lower our expectations of the happiness we will find here.

Rest on this earth is a false rest, in some ways.  So watch out for people who try to tell you how to find happiness here.  You won’t find it.  Guard against the false advertisers who promise that happiness is only a diet away, a marriage away, a job away, or a transfer away.  The prophet spoke against people like this, “They tried to heal my people’s serious injuries as if they were small wounds.  They said, ‘It’s all right, it’s all right.’  But really, it is not all right” (Jeremiah 6:14).

And it won’t be all right until we get home.

Today we have learned again that you and I are made by God, for God, to live with Him in eternity.  So God teaches us not to seek happiness but to seek Him.  As we do so, we will become more and more the holy, Christ-like people He wants us to be, and we will come to live in His blessings.  And that is far greater than any happiness we will find apart from Him.  If you make happiness your goal, it is amazingly difficult to reach it.  But if you make God Himself the prize you seek, you will find a deep happiness as you journey, along the way.  


That is the good news I have received to pass on to you today.  Let’s respond to it in faith by asking God to lead us to a deeper, richer knowledge of Him.


Heavenly Father, you have taught us again today that we were designed basically to live not in this world but with you and your family forever in Heaven.  


That is our true home.  Being in your family is our true identity.  Lord, when we truly know that, it changes forever our view of happiness, and we can only try to find it by searching for you yourself.  Help us to make that the great goal of our lives every day.  Help us to obey the teachings of Ecclesiastes 7:14 and, when times are good, be happy.  When times are bad, help us to remember that you have made the bad times along with the good times.  And whether the times are good or bad, help us to trust our lives each day to you, as our Lord Jesus did.  As we do that, lead us into your blessing and help us to live in it now and always.  We pray in Christ’s name.  Amen. 




Salazar, G. (September 25, 2019). Stop Trying to Find Your Passion. The Baylor Lariat. Retrieved October 13, 2019 from /09/25/stop-trying-to-find-your-passion/

Groeschel, C. (February 10, 2015). “God Wants You Happy.” God Never Said That. Life.Church. Retrieved October 3, 2019 from

Groeschel, C. (April 8, 2019). “Go Do What Makes You Happy.” Things Jesus Never Said. Life.Church. Retrieved October 2, 2019 from

Lucado, M. (1994). Heaven: God’s Highest Hope. Max Lucado. Retrieved October 5, 2019 from hope/



第1ペテロ3章8〜15節   “ あなたを幸せにすることをしなさい。”


 皆さんこんにちは。思い出していただけると思いますが、ここオープンドアチャペルで私達は今、” 神様が言われたことがない事 “ という題目のメッセージシリーズを学んでいます。



 多少のワクワク感と自由になった感覚があった学校の夏休み最初の数日が過ぎて、退屈が始まって、私は母に不満を口にし出しました。” ここでは楽しいことができない。”






  「OK、じゃあね出来ることがあるわ。聖書を読むのはいつでも良いことですからね。部屋へ行って、”怠惰な心は悪魔の作業場” と書いてある聖書の箇所を見つけて教えてちょうだい。あなたにとっても今日覚えておくと良いから。」 

という訳で私は探し始めました。聖書索引でキーワードを” 心 “  “ 悪魔 “ “ 作業所 “  として。でもこれらを引用したところには至りませんでした。そこで、箴言のような言い回しなので箴言を読み始めましたが、見つけることはできません。その後も探しまくりましたが、ついに諦め母のところに戻りまた不平を言ったのです。




 私達がクリスチャンとして、神様から、また神様の言葉から来たものだと信じている事で、実際は、他の人、他の話、私達の文化から来たものだというものは一体どれ位あるのでしょうか? これらの誤解に焦点を当てる事は、私達になにかを教えてくれます。神様が言っていない事を見ていく時、それは私達が神様のなさる事の力と意味を理解する助けになります。私達は神様に何を言ってもらいたいと期待していますか? 私がもしも神様だったら私は人々に何を言うでしょう?




 神様が決して言われなかったことの一つは、” フェイスブック、インスタグラム、ツイッター、スナップチャットで使われているように「私に従ってきなさい。」とは言っていない。” ということです。


 イエス様が端的に “ 私に従ってきなさい。” と言われましたが(例えば、ルカによる福音書5章27節)、それは私達が今日持つオンライン上の関係よりもっと深い意味でありました。例えば、キリストに真に従うことの一つに、神様が信じる者に託された教えを忠実に伝えるということがあります。ですがキリストは、” 全ての世界に出て行き、人々を幸せにすることは何であれ教えなさい。” とは言っていません。イエス様は、” 誰でも私の弟子なりたい者は、自分を肯定し、十字架を避け、自分自身の道に従いなさい。” とは言われませんでした。イエス様は、” 良き知らせ(福音)を教えなさい。(マルコ16章15節) 従う者には、自分自身を捨てて、自分の十字架を担いそして私に従ってきなさい。”



 どういう訳かキリスト教会においてさえ今だに、福音を “ 神様はあなたを、全てのものに優って幸せにしたいと思っておられる。”  、” 神様はあなたに、人生で良いことだけを経験させたいと思っておられる。” , “ 何よりも神様は、あなたの夢が叶うようにあなたを助けたいと思っています。” と語るのを聞かれたことがあるかもしれません。


 私の知っている人々を見たり、オンライン上やテレビなどでなされる、” 良い生活” についての説明を聞く時、私は、幸せな生活には数学的な公式のような何かがあると思うようになりました。




 もし教会に多く行けば神様はどんな悪い病気にも罹ることがないようにして下さる。毎日祈り聖書を読むと、テストで良い点を取ることができる、素晴らしい結婚相手が見つかる、良い会社で良い仕事が得られる等々を主が確約して下さる。私達は聖書の中でお会いできるイエス様を好きなのではなくて、私達の現実の文化の中で会える “ ジャグジーの中にいる(居心地の良い)イエス様 “ が好きなのです。そこではイエス様はおもに、私達を幸せにするため、私達が夢見る生活ができるように助けるため、健康、富を、良い時間をもたらすためにおられるのです。


 皆さんが一旦、神様は皆さんの幸福を一番高いゴールとされる、という考え方になると、皆さんの人生の取り組み方には確固とした論理ができてきます。それは、(1) もしも神様が他の何物にもまして私を幸せにしたいと思われるなら、私を幸せにするものは何であれ正しくなければならない。私を不幸せにするものは何であれ間違っていなければならない。(2) 不快、遅延、反対、危険、障害は神様の意思となり得ない。(3) 私が本当の幸福を得るために私に必要なものは、自分を幸福にすることを見出し、それをすることです。私のモットーは自分の至福に従う、自分の情熱に従うこと、自分の心に従うこと、自分自身のことをすることです。

 ですが、この一連の考え方には問題があります。その一つは、私達が既に見てきたように、神様が聖書でそのように正確には教えていないということです。もう一つは、もし私がこのように考えて、その結果幸福でないのなら、きっと私は神様について、(1) 私について失敗した(実にところ力がなかった)、(2) 私をそんなに愛していなかった。又は(3) そもそも最初から存在していなかった、と言うような結論に達するだろうと思います。これは私達が一番に必要としている時に信仰が挫折してしまうことです。


 ではポイントは何でしょう? 神様は皆さんや私が幸せになることを望んでいないのでしょうか? ここから始めてみましょう。神様の言葉によってその事の多くが明らかです。答えはノーです。神様は明確に私達が幸福になることを望んでおられます。例えば、

詩篇97篇12節前段は、” 正しき人よ。主がなされたことの故に喜びなさい。 “ 

コヘレトの言葉3章12節では、人々は、” 生きている間良いことをして幸せに “

と言い、更に、11章9節では、” 若い男よ、若い内に楽しめ。若い日にあなたの心を喜ばせよ。あなたの心の赴くまま、あなたの目の望むままに歩め。しかし、これら全てのことについて、あなたは神の裁きを受けることを知っておけ。” と言っています。


 そうです、神様は私達が幸せになることを望んでおられるのです。でも最後の部分の言葉に気がつきましたか? 神様はまた、私達を裁かれるとあります。このことは私達に、幸福だけではなく、その他の何かについても見続ける必要があると言っているのです。

 では別の方法で質問をして見ましょう。神様が、私達が幸せであることを望まない時はあるのでしょうか? 私は、聖書によれば答えはイエスと言えます。例えば、その事柄が皆さんにとって短い期間の幸せをもたらすもので、愚か又は罪深いもにであるような時には、神様は皆さんが幸せになることを望まれません。皆さんの幸福が何か愚かで悪いものからもたらされる時、そしてそれが長い目で見て皆さんや他の人の人生にダメージを与える時には、神様はそれに反対します。








 私達は、神様や神様の言葉、聖書が真実で信頼がおけるという考え方を受け入れないかもしれません。私達の文化は私達を、客観的な真実は存在しないという相対主義やポストモダニズムを信じる方向へ導こうとしているかもしれません。そこには “ あなたの真実 “

や “ 私の真実 “ があって、”( 一つしかない)真実 “ はないのです。

 これを信じてしまうと、善悪や自分が何をするかを決める自身の基盤を ” 何が自分を幸せにするか “ にすることが簡単になるのです。


 “ 何故結婚の約束を破ったのか?”

   “ 彼女は幸せではなかったし、私も幸せではなかった。なので私達にとっては一緒にいない方が良いと決めました。” 


 “ 良いクリスチャン“ がしている全てのことを自分達がしなければならないのなら自分達の幸せを逃し、惨めになると考えて神様を信じない人々がいます。彼らは神様を信じてさえいるかもしれませんが、自分達の行動で神様に従うことを拒否しています。それは、そうすることによって自分達の幸せを諦めなければならないと思っているからです。


 彼らは正しいのでしょうか、それとも間違っているのでしょうか? 短い間幸せをもたらすものの、神様が与えたいと願う長く続く深い幸せを取り去るような私達の行動を神様が諦めるよう私達に言う時には、彼らが言っていることは正しいのです。ですが神様は、私達の底の浅い幸せと取り替えられるもっと良い何かを持っているのです。


 少ししか試さないで効果がないと決めつけて神様を信じる信仰から背を向ける人々もいます。” 3週続けて教会に通ったけど、まだ望む仕事に就けない。私の結婚生活だって崩壊したままだ。もし神様が絶対にそこにいるのなら、神様は私が好きでないに違いない。” 













 神様は第1ペテロ3章8〜9節で、互いに平和に生きなさい、理解深くありなさい、家族のようにお互いを愛しなさい、親切で情け深くありなさいと教えています。神様は私達に、高慢にならないように、悪に対して悪で返さず、不親切な言葉に不親切な言葉で返さないように命じています。ここでは神様が教えるような状態にいること(になること)が幸せになるということです。このような種類の聖別は自然にとても魅力的なことで、「聖なる」という言葉を聞いた時に私達が思う ” いかにも聖人ぶった “ 態度とは全く違ったものなのです。私達はそのような態度を見る時には、それを否定し、私達自身避けたいと欲するものです。


第1ペテロ1章15〜16節では、”  あなた方をお選びになったお方は聖なるお方です。ですからあなた方もすること全てにおいて聖なるものであるべきです。「清くありなさい。 私が清いからである。」と書いてある通りです。“. (レビ記11章44、45節、19章2節)



15節 “ 世と世にあるものとを、愛してはいけません。もし、世を愛する者があれば、父の愛はその人のうちにはありません。”

16節 “ 全て世にあるもの、すなわち、肉の欲、目の欲、持ち物を誇ることは、父から出たものではなく、この世から出たものです。”

17節 “ この世とその欲は過ぎ去ります。しかし、神の御旨を行う者は永遠にながらえるのです。” 




 第1ペテロ3章9節では、皆さんがそのようにするために作られている良い事をする時 ” あなた方はそれをすることで祝福を受けることができます。” と言っています。これは良いニュースではありませんか? しかしまた確認しますけれど、私達は、神様の祝福の定義が私達のものとは異なるということを覚える必要があるのです。私達は、神様が私達が望むものなら何であれ与えて下さることで祝福され、そうであれば私達は困難な問題に直面する必要がないと思いがちです。しかしもし私達が、アラジンが自分が欲しいものを得るために(魔法使いの)ジニーの下に行くように神様の下へ行くなら、私達は根本的なレベルで神様を誤解していることになります。私達は、神様の1番の目的が私達に快適で便利な生活を与えることだとも思いがちです。実際には、そのような考えは神様が意図する祝福されるということとは全く違います。神様は、私達が大変困難な状況の中にいてさえ祝福することができると教えています。私達は、例え深刻な苦悶や苦痛を通っている時でさえ神様の祝福を経験することができるからです。それらの困難な時が、私達が神様を探し求め、それらに対処できるより大きな力を受けて、信仰と平和の内に進むことができる機会となるからであって、よりもっと神様の祝福の中で生きることを学び始めるからです。


 クリスチャンであって牧師のマックス ルカドは天国についての本を執筆しました。その第1章は題として、” 不幸の贈り物 “ とあります。彼は、クリスチャンとして私達はこの世では幸せではないのです、何故ならば、ここは私達の家ではないからですと言っています。私達はこの世では幸せではありません。何故ならば私達はこの世では本来幸せになるはずではない(ことになっていない)からです。

 私達は、” この世にあっては外国人、居留者のようです。” (第1ペテロ2章11節)


 一つの例ですが、魚を獲って浜辺に置いたとします。魚は戦い苦闘しますが乾いて干上がっていきます。魚は幸せでしょうか?違いますよね。ではどうしたら幸せにすることができるでしょう。山のような現金をあげましょうか? ビーチチェアとサングラスを持って行きますか? 魚釣りの雑誌(プレイフィッシュ)とマティーニを持っていきますか?とてもかっこいい装飾のあるフィン(脚ひれ)と人肌の靴をあげますか?

勿論そんなことはしませんよね。ではどうしたら彼を幸せにできるでしょう? 彼がもともと生まれつき属している場所に帰してあげることですよね。水の中に戻すことです。魚は浜辺では決して幸せになれません。何故なら彼は浜辺で生活するように作られていないからです。






預言者はこのような人々に向かって ” 彼らは、手軽に私の民の傷をいやし、平安がないのに「平安、平安」と言っている。“  (エレミヤ6章14節) と言いました。















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