God Will Never Give You More Than You Can Handle?

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English service on September 15, 2019 

Messenger: Pastor Jim Allison


II Corinthians 1:3-11

“God Will Never Give You More Than You Can Handle?”


I’m happy to be here again today with those of you at Open Door and those joining us online.  We recently finished a series of messages on times when Jesus remarkably chose to be silent rather than speak.  Today I would like to begin a series on a different topic that might sound similar: “Things God Never Said.”  My hope is to look at various ideas that you and I probably hear or read if we are involved in church life but that actually are not taught in the Bible.  


A conversation with one of our church members not long ago started me thinking about this topic, and I realized that there really are quite a few things we think we know from the Bible that really are not even there.  For example, we have the name Adam’s apple in English to talk about this part of a person’s throat.  But was the fruit in the Genesis 3 story about Adam and Eve an apple?  No, the Bible never calls it that—just “fruit.”  How about the story of Jonah?  You finish the sentence: Jonah was swallowed by a _______.  Many people would answer, whale.  But the Bible never says that.  It just says a huge fish swallowed him.  Here’s one that may be more challenging.  What was the name of the young woman who danced before King Herod?  When the King offered her anything, she asked for and received the head of John the Baptist on a plate.  If you have heard about the Bible a lot, maybe your answer is Salome.  But the Bible never tells us her name.  (The historian Josephus later calls her Salome.)  


These may be details from the Bible stories, but there are far more important teachings we can easily misunderstand.  In this series, I want us to start with some things the Bible—which we accept as the standard for our faith and behavior in daily life—actually does not say.  I hope that will give us a chance to move on from there to seeing accurately what it does say and knowing and loving and serving God in more informed, more Christ-like ways.  


The first often-misunderstood teaching is in I Corinthians 10:13.   


You are tempted in the same way all other human beings are. God is faithful. He will not let you be tempted any more than you can take. But when you are tempted, God will give you a way out so that you can stand up under it.


Probably based on those words, many Christians have come to believe the words: God will never give you more than you can handle.  That sounds pretty good, doesn’t it.  God knows me so well, and He is so loving, He will not let me be in a situation so tough that I don’t have the strength to face it successfully.  


But there are problems with this.  The first is that God does not really say it.  The promise in I Corinthians 10:13 is about temptation, not about going through times of trouble in general.  Paul is reminding us that our Father in Heaven always makes it possible for us to do the right thing.  We cannot act selfishly and meanly and then say, “I couldn’t help it.”  The point is not “Expect not to suffer much if you follow Christ.”  It’s closer to “Don’t tell yourself that you have to do something that’s wrong.  If God tells you it’s wrong, He will always give you the choice of doing what’s right, even if it’s difficult.”  


Our cultures tell us through commercials and many other ways that we are little more than a set of desires that must be satisfied.  You must eat this, drink this, drive this, wear this, look like this.  If you don’t, you cannot be happy enough.  If I believe what they tell me, I will hardly be different from our family’s pet turtle, Umi.  She will eat pretty much any amount of food I give her, until she cannot eat any more.  If I feed her whenever she wants to eat, she will keep eating until she becomes obese.  My family members are constantly telling me not to feed her so much because they think she is overweight now.  


We love Umi, but she has no moral character at all that I can see.  At least, she shows no sign of any self-control at work.  Her will is a slave to her desires.  


We humans can easily be much that way, too, can’t we.  But God does not want us to live like that.  He gives us a family of faith to encourage us to make good choices and hold us accountable when we make bad ones.  He gives us a small group of people who can get to know us and pray for us regularly as we learn together to live by His teachings.  He gives us a moral sense through the Holy Spirit that tells us, “Run, don’t walk, out of this situation or this relationship.  You are in danger if you stay in it.”  


The message of I Corinthians 10:13 seems to be along those lines.  The idea that God will never give His people more than we can handle does not appear there or in Bible stories about the followers of Christ.  For example, after Jesus returned to heaven, His followers are put in prison, strongly opposed by the leaders of their nation, whipped, and in danger of being executed.  But Acts 5:41 says, “The apostles were full of joy as they left the Sanhedrin. They considered it an honor to suffer shame for the name of Jesus.”  There is great suffering, but with God’s help, even greater strength to face it.  


Hebrews 11:35b-39 tells us still more uncomfortable examples of faithful people who did have to face situations they were not prepared or able to endure without God’s help.  It says:


Others were made to suffer greatly. But they refused to be set free. They did that so that after death they would be raised to a better life. Some were laughed at. Some were whipped. Still others were held by chains. They were put in prison. Some were killed with stones. They were sawed in two. They were put to death by the sword. They went around wearing the skins of sheep and goats. They were poor. They were attacked. They were treated badly. The world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains. They lived in caves. 


They lived in holes in the ground. All of those people were praised because they had faith. But none of them received what God had promised.


The followers of Christ seem surprisingly unworried about how much suffering they must face.  If they have a cause worth suffering for and a Savior to suffer with them, they are willing to accept it.  


“God won’t give you more than you can handle.”  Another problem with this teaching is that it can easily present a picture of our Lord sitting up in heaven just deciding when and how to send trouble to people.  Some people do not believe in God because they think of Him as someone who says, “I think I’ll give this person terminal cancer and mess up those families by causing a plane crash and give her an abusive father.”  They think of Him as someone who is fine with letting a hurricane wipe out people in the Bahamas or seeing the suffering people still are going through after the earthquake in the Iburi area last year.  


This understanding of God fails to see how deeply He cares for each human being, how much He hates suffering and sickness and death.  It does not include a clear view of how God comes from heaven to where we are to suffer together with us and lift us up out of our pain and troubles.  


God is not the Father who gives evil and leaves us in all our troubles.  He is the Father who gives tender love and comforts us in all our troubles.  Let’s hear Paul again in (vv. 3-4a): “Give praise to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! He is the Father who gives tender love. All comfort comes from him. He comforts us in all our troubles.”  Our troubles are the very places God has in His plans for us to encounter Him and come to know Him most deeply.  With that truth in view, we pray for courage not to run from trouble.


I remember my wife Chieko’s mother talking about I Corinthians 10:13 and finding encouragement from understanding it as a promise that God would not give her more than she could handle.  I can’t quite recall, but I hope I at least encouraged her to add on “with His help” and make it “God will never give you more than you can handle with His help.”  In any case, when she got pancreatic cancer and began losing the fight with it, I remember talking to her in the hospital about her suffering.  She continued to be in serious pain, and at one point, she said, “I can’t take this anymore!”「もう耐えられない!」She was being honest about the way she felt.  It made me recall our talk about that promise from the Bible, and I thought again that I don’t want to encourage people to follow the mistaken belief that God will always shield them from painful experiences.  In the end, Mrs. Yamagishi endured an amazing amount of pain, more than she thought she could, and I believe her faith was a strong support for her in that terrible time.  But it was far from manageable suffering, and I think her faith grew a good deal during the course of her struggle. 


Your pain, suffering, or trouble will not always be manageable.  But by God’s grace and with His help, it will always be meaningful.  What matters most is not what you can do to overcome your troubles.  It’s what God and you together can do in responding to them.  As one pastor says it, it’s not that God won’t give you more than you can handle; but that God will help you handle whatever you’ve been given. 


Also, our suffering and troubles actually do much more than our triumphs to bring us together with other people.  You may not think so by listening to the conversations you hear around you.  Instagram and other social media, for example, give strong impressions that the people telling their stories there are doing great.  Everything is wonderful and getting constantly better.  Churches can give that mistaken impression, too.  But the truth is that we all struggle.  Everyone really does suffer.  We are all fighting our own battles.  You are not alone in fighting yours.  


If anyone had a faith strong enough to be ready for anything God let come his way, probably it would be giant of faith like Paul, right?  Yet he says the following about his sufferings (II Corinthians 1:8-9a): 


Brothers and sisters, we want you to know about the hard times we suffered in Asia Minor. We were having a lot of trouble. It was far more than we could stand. We even thought we were going to die. In fact, in our hearts we felt as if we were under the sentence of death.


How would you rate these types of suffering on a 1-10 scale?  If death is the worst, I suppose he was near a 10.  But Paul does not try to hide his pain and struggles.  He openly presents them to the members of the church in Corinth.  Why?  It seems that he does not see his suffering as the most important thing happening.  There’s something even greater, and it has the potential to help his readers in amazing ways.  He continues (9b-10):


But that happened so that we would not depend on ourselves but on God. He raises the dead to life. God has saved us from deadly dangers. And he will continue to do it. We have put our hope in him. He will continue to save us.   


In this way Paul models faith for the brothers and sisters in Corinth.  But he also encourages them based on what he has experienced.  He focuses on what his sufferings have shown him that can help other Christ-followers when they  have to go through times of trouble.  After talking about how God “comforts us in all our troubles” (v. 4a), he continues (vv. 4b-7):


Now we can comfort others when they are in trouble. We ourselves have received comfort from God. We share the sufferings of Christ. We also share his comfort. If we are having trouble, it is so that you will be comforted and renewed. If we are comforted, it is so that you will be comforted. Then you will be able to put up with the same suffering we have gone through. Our hope for you remains firm. We know that you suffer just as we do. In the same way, God comforts you just as he comforts us.


For reasons that I do not understand, shared suffering brings people together in ways that triumph does not.  Shared pain builds community in ways that untroubled success does not.  Paul sees this, and we experience it, too, don’t we?  Losing our sister Yanase-san is a recent example.  I have seen God using this loss we continue to suffer through in order to bring our family of faith closer to each other and to Him.  


If you have suffered a major hurt, you have a major gift to give.  I pray that with God’s leading you will find the right people to help by showing the understanding and support they need.  One Christian woman of deep faith, Joni Eareckson Tada, has gone through many years of life without the use of her arms and legs, which she lost in a diving accident.  Yet she has developed a vibrant spirit and used her gifts in drawing, singing, writing, and speaking to help many people.  Now she is fighting cancer for the second time.  And she is responding to this situation by saying, “I don’t want it to go to waste.  I don’t want it to be meaningless.  I want it to help someone.”


So what can we do with this message God is giving us today?  I want to encourage you to identify your deepest hurt and place it in the Lord’s hands.  Don’t let it go to waste.  Ask Him to use it so that you can help someone else.  Look for chances this week to help someone in the same area where you have been hurt.  Maybe you will be led to give that person a phone call or send them a text.  Maybe you will give that person the gift of just listening and doing your best to understand.  In whatever way God leads you, show some care.  You may be surprised to see the creative and powerful ways our Father can use to bless your act of kindness.  


Let’s pray to Him now.  


Holy Father, we often cannot understand why you choose to let us as your children face situations more difficult than we are prepared to handle.  You know that we want ease, comfort, convenience, and safety.  Forgive us when we love these more than you, other people, or whatever else is truly more important.  


And, Lord, help us to be able to accept the hard times of life when they come.  We pray this because we believe you can use them for good things.  We are like the prophet Jonah, who prayed, “When I was in trouble, I called out to you. And you answered me” (Jonah 2:2b).  He did not say to you, “When things were really going great, I called out to you. And you answered me.”  God, we confess that we often do not seek your help when things are going smoothly but quickly run to you when trouble comes.  So we ask you not to keep us away from all trouble but to use for your own good purposes the pain and suffering that will come into our lives.  Use it to teach us to recognize your presence, find your purpose, and rely on your power.  In these ways and all that you choose, through troubles we face, bring your Kingdom into our lives, those of us around us who need our support, and all your world.  In Christ’s name we pray.  Amen.  




Groeschel, C. (February 16, 2015). “More Than You Can Handle.” Life Church.Retrieved September 8, 2019 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muX0qPZIVEc

Ortberg, J. (June 23, 2019). “God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle.”I Didn’t Say That. Menlo Park Presbyterian Church. Retrieved September 8, 2019fromhttps://menlo.church/series/i-didnt-sayhat#/modal/message/5288/mlo





今日ここオープンドアチャペルで、またオンラインで皆さんとご一緒できることを嬉しく思います。私達はこの前、イエス様が時により、語られるより際立って沈黙を選ばれる場合について考えるメッセージシリーズを終えました。今日からは、前回と似ているように思われるかもしれませんが、” 神様が話されたことがないこと。 “ という別の題目のメッセージをシリーズとして始めたいと思います。



例えば、人の喉の部分の名前で、英語では ” Adam’s apple (喉仏) ” と言っていることです。また、創世記3章のアダムとエバの話に出てくる果物はリンゴでしたか? いいえ、聖書は一度もそう言っていません。ただ ” 果物 “ とだけです。 ヨナの物語はどうでしょう? ヨナは ------ に飲み込まれた。この文章を完成させようとすると、多くの人は、クジラと答えるのではないでしょうか! でも聖書は一言もそう言っていません。巨大な魚がヨナを飲み込んだとあるだけです。






多分、これらの言葉を基本として、多くのクリスチャンは、” 神様は、対処できる以上のことを、決してお与えにならない。(困難は、それを乗り越えられる人だけにやってくる。)“     という言葉を信じるようになったと思われます。すごく聞こえの良い言葉ですよね?



私達は自分勝手に、卑劣に行動し、” 仕方のないことだ。” と言うことができません。肝心なのは、 “ キリストに従う時に、そんなに苦しまないよう期待する。” と言うことではないということです。 それは、 “  何か良くないことをしなければならないと自分に言ってはいけない。(思ってはいけない。)” と近いかもしれません。もし神様が皆さんに、それは間違っていると言われるなら、神様はいつも、例えそれがいかに難しい事だとしても、皆さんが正しいことを行う選択肢を与えて下さっているということです。



私達人間も容易にこのような状態になり得ますね。でも、神様は私達がそのように生きるようには望んでおられません。神様は、私達が良い選択をするように、また悪い選択をした時には責任を負えるように私達を励ます信仰の家族を与えて下さっています。神様は、私達が友人関係を築き、神様の教えによって生きることを共に学ぶ時、何時も祈ってくれる小さなグループを与えて下さっています。神様は聖霊を通して私達に道徳観を与えて下さっていて、それは、” こんな状況やこんな人間関係から走って抜け出なさい。歩いてはいけない。そこに止まっていると危険だから。” と警告してくれるのです。


「神様は、対処できる以上のことを、決してお与えにならない。」( 困難は、それを乗り越えられる人だけにやってくる。)  という考えはそこに、またキリストを信じ従う者について書かれた聖書の物語の中に現れてきません。例えば、イエス様が天の御国へ戻られた後で、イエス様を信じ従う者は監獄に入れられ、彼らの国の指導者から強く反対され、鞭打たれ、処刑される危険な状態でありました。しかし使徒の働き5章41節では、”  そこで、使徒たちは、御名のためにはずかしめられるに値する者とされたことを喜びながら、議会から出て行った。“ とあって、大変な困難の中にあっても、神様の助けによって、それに立ち向かうより大きな強さもあったのです。

ヘブル人への手紙11章35節後段〜39節では、対応する準備のないまま、又、神様の助けがないまま困難に耐えることができない状況に直面しなければならない忠実な人々の居心地の悪くなるような例があります。そこには、” 他のものは、更にまさった命によみがえる為に、拷問の苦しみに甘んじ、放免されることを願わなかった。なお他も者たちは、あざけられ、鞭打たれ、縛り上げられ、投獄されるほどの目にあった。あるいは、石で打たれ、さいなまれ、のこぎりで引かれ、つるぎで斬り殺され、羊の皮や、やぎの皮を着て歩き回り、無一文になり、悩まされ、苦しめられ、この世は彼らの住む所でなかった、荒野と山の中と岩の穴と土に穴とを、さまよい続けた。さて、これらの人々はみな、信仰によってあかしされたが、約束のものは受けなかった。”とあります。


“ 神様は、対処できる以上のことを、決してお与えにならない。” という教えの別の問題は、私達の主が天国で座っていてただ単に人々に、何時、如何にして災難を送ろうかを決めているという姿を示していることです。ある人々は、神様のことを ” この人には末期ガンを与えよう、飛行機事故を起こして家族をバラバラにしよう、虐待する父親を用意しよう。” と言うような人だと思っているので神様を信じません。彼らは神様のことを、バハマでハリケーンが人々を壊滅させても構わない、昨年の胆振地区の地震からの復興で人々が苦しんでいても構わない、そのような方だと思っています。



“ 神と私達の主であるイエスキリストを褒め讃えます。神は優しい愛を与えて下さる父です。全ての慰めは神から来る。神は私達の全ての困難において私達を慰めて下さいます。” (3節〜4節前段)


私は妻の千江子の母が第1コリント10章13節について話し、神様が彼女が対処できる以上の困難をお与えにならないということを約束として理解し、励ましを見つけたと語ったことを思い出します。詳しくは思い出すことができませんが、しかし少なくとも私は, “ 神様の助けによって “ とつけ加えることを望みます。そして ”  神様は決して神様の助けによって対処できること以上のことを与えられない。” と言い換えたいのです。

とにかく義理の母が膵臓がんを患い次第にその戦いに負け始めていた時の、私は病院で彼女の苦難について話したことを思い出します。彼女は酷い痛みに続けてさいなまれていて、ある時点で “ もう耐えられない。” と言ったのです。彼女は自分の感じた思いに常に正直でした。そのことは私に、聖書の約束について私達が話したことを思い出させます。そして私は再び、神様がいつも苦痛に満ちた経験から人々を遮断するという誤解に基づいた信念に従うよう人々を勇気付けることはしたくないと思ったのです。


皆さんの苦痛、労苦又問題は必ずしもいつも扱いやすい(御し易い)ものではないでしょう。しかし神様の恵みと助けによって、それは常に意味のあるものになるのです。 皆さんが困難を克服する為に何ができるかが一番大事なことではなく、それらへの対処の為に神様が皆さんと共に何ができるかなのです。ある牧師が言いましたが、神様は、人が対処できる以上のことを与えられないということではなく、神様は、どのようなことが人に与えられようとも対処できるように人を助けてくれる、という事です。



もし誰かが、その人生の道全てに於いて何が来ても大丈夫というほど十分強い信仰を持っているとしたら、それは多分、信仰の巨人パウロのことではないでしょうか? そうですパウロは彼の苦労について次のように言っています。(第2コリント1章8〜9節前段)

“ 兄弟、姉妹たち、私達が小アジアで会った苦しみについて是非知っておいて下さい。私達は非常に激しい耐えられないほどの圧迫を受け、死んでしまうとさえ思ったのです。本当に自分の心の中では死刑宣告を受けたかのように感じていたのです。”


もし死が最も悪いのなら、パウロは10に近い評価だったと思います。でもパウロは自分の痛みや苦労を隠そうとはしません。彼はコリントの教会のメンバーに対し公に報告しています。それは何故でしょう? 彼は自分の苦労を一番重要な出来事だとは思っていないように見えます。より大事な何かがあるのです、そしてそれはパウロの書簡を読む人々を驚くべき方法で助ける潜在的な力を持っているのです。


“ これはもはや自分自身を頼まず、死者をよみがえらせて下さる神により頼む者となるためでした。 神はこれほどの大きな死の危険から私達を救い出して下さいました。また将来も救い出して下さいます。なおも救い出してくださるという望みを、私達はこの神に置いているのです。”




パウロは、どのようにして神様が、“私達のどのような苦しみの時にも、なぐさめて下さる。” (4節前段) と話した後、続けて(4節後段〜7節)

“ こうして私達も、自分自身が神から受ける慰めによって、どのような苦しみの中にいる人をも慰めることができるのです。それは、私達にキリストの苦難があふれているように、慰めもまたキリストによってあふれているからです。もし私達が苦しみに会うなら、それはあなた方の慰めと救いのためです。もし私達が慰めをうけるなら、それもあなた方の慰めのためで、その慰めは私達が受けている苦難と同じ苦難に耐え抜く力をあなた方に与えるのです。私達があなた方について抱いている望みは、動くことはありません。なぜなら、あなた方が私達と苦しみと共にしているように、慰めも共にしていることを、私達は知っているからです。”


私には分からない理由ですが、共有された苦しみは、成功体験でもできないない方法によって人々に一致をもたらします。共有された痛みは、問題が起こることなく達成した成功でもできない方法である種の共同体を作ることができます。パウロはこのことを理解しているし、私達も経験していますよね? 私達の姉妹、簗瀬さんが亡くなったことは、最近の例です。私は、神様が信仰の家族がお互いに、そして神様と密接に結びつくために、私達が耐え続けるような喪失を使われるのを見てきました。




“ 私はこのこと(経験)を無駄にしたくはありません。また意味のないことにもしたくありません。


今日神様から与えられたメッセージによって私達は何ができるのでしょうか?  私は皆さんに、皆さんの最も深い痛みを確認して、それを主の御手に置くことをお勧めしたいのです。




主よ、私達の人生に困難が来る時、これを受け入れることができるように助けて下さい。これらの困難をあなたが良い事のために使われると私達は信じていますから、私達はそうなるように祈ります。私達は、” 私の困難な時、私はあなたを大声で呼び求め、あなたは私に答えて下さいました。” ( ヨナ書2章2節前段) と祈った預言者ヨナのようです。ヨナは “ 私が順調な時に、私はあなたを大声で呼び求め、あなたは私に答えて下さいました。” とは言いませんでした。




Groeschel, C. (February 16, 2015). “More Than You Can Handle.” Life Church.            Retrieved September 8, 2019 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?                               v=muX0qPZIVEc


Ortberg, J. (June 23, 2019). “God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle.” I Didn’t         Say That. Menlo Park Presbyterian Church. Retrieved  September 8, 2019 from               https://menlo.church/series/i-didnt-say-that#/modal/message/5288/mlo