“Jesus’ Silence and Words to Would-be Followers”

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English Service on June 16, 2019

Messenger: Pastor Jim Allison

John 6:11-15,57-60,63-66


“Jesus’ Silence and Words to Would-be Followers”


We are continuing our journey today through the Bible stories in which Jesus choses at certain key moments to remain silent, while at others speaking openly and forcefully.  One of the key things the gospel writers are trying to do in their books is tell us exactly who Jesus is and what He came into this world to do.  At some points they do this by showing what Jesus was not sent by God to do, what His mission did not include.  For example, in the story we learned last month, Jesus says that He was only sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.  He does not say that non-Jewish people are not important to God.  In fact a great focus of the work of God’s people in vital first years of the Christian church in the Bible is taking His love and teachings across cultural barriers and into the non-Jewish (Gentile) world.  But in Jesus’ life in this world, the time for that has not fully arrived.  So He keeps His work focused on the Jewish people.


Likewise, in today’s story, we learn that Jesus’ work has strong social and material sides to it.  In this case, it is important to Him that people have enough food, so He creates a lunch they can never forget.  Yet this physical act is not separate from the spiritual dimension of His work but tied closely to it.  Jesus’ miracle of creating food is “a sign,” John tells us (v. 14).  It is important not only because it keeps people from being hungry but because it shows that God is with them and shows His love by providing for their needs.  It is “a sign” of what life in God’s kingdom is like: everyone has enough.  No one has too much, no one is left out, and however much we have, we all know that it comes to us as a gift from God, our king.  So the life we have is something we are thankful for and enjoy together.  The miracles are not only signs of what life under His leadership is like in this world.  They are also pictures of what life in heaven will be like forever with Him reigning as our king.  


These spiritual teachings are at the heart of the gospel, Christ tells us.  They tell us the kind of relationship God wants to have with you, me, and everyone in today’s world, too.  But the people in John 6 who receive the bread and fish lunch specially prepared by Jesus are impressed by it for other reasons.  They are focused on the political side of His work.  When they see Jesus’ miraculous power at work, their reading of events is: “This must be the Prophet who is supposed to come into the world” (v. 14).  As far as that goes, they are right, according to the Bible.  But their minds quickly jump to the political situation they are facing.  Verse 15 says, “. . . They planned to come and force him to be their king.”  That is when Jesus goes silent.  John continues, “So he went away again to a mountain by himself” (v. 15).


What is happening here?  How does Jesus suddenly go from the Prophet to the king to disappearing?  It may be easy to get lost in what takes place at this point, but it tells us a lot about the meaning and purpose of Jesus’ life as a whole, as well as what He wants to be in our lives.  So let’s go back and look at it again.  


People especially in Jesus’ time are waiting for the Messiah (or in Greek, the Christ) to be sent into this world by God to save His people.  Long before, God has promised Moses about the Hebrew people, “I will raise up for them a prophet like you. He will be one of their own people. I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him to say” (Deuteronomy 18:18).  So Moses has told the people of Israel, “The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me. He will be one of your own people. You must listen to him” (Deuteronomy 18:15).  


Since that time, God’s people have been praying and waiting and hoping for that special leader, the deliverer, to come to save them.  It is not completely clear how or when that Messiah is to arrive.  The way some people talk about Jesus in John’s gospel, they seem to think the Messiah and the Prophet are going to be different people.  For instance, in John 1:20-22 some people come to find out who John the Baptist really is.   


He did not try to hide the truth. He spoke to them openly. He said, “I am not the Christ.”

“Then who are you? Are you Elijah?”

He said, “I am not.” 


“Are you the Prophet we've been expecting?” they asked. 

“No,” he answered.


In John 7:40-43 also, people speak of the Prophet and the Christ as if they will be, or may be, different people.  


It is not surprising that people have ideas like these in their minds.  In the Old Testament, there were special three categories of leaders chosen by God to do His work in this world: prophet, priest, and king.  But these were generally separate, with different people playing the different roles.  Now that Jesus has come, the things He is doing and teaching in the New Testament stories are step by step making it clear that He, as Messiah, is all three of these, all perfectly and at the same time.  He is prophet, telling the special word of God to His people, for example a word of warning or of promise.  He is priest, standing between God and people to bring them together as one, in particular through giving the prayers of the people to God and the unchanging word of God to the people (including the word of forgiveness, of blessing, of His unchanging love).  He is king, holding all power and using it to guide and protect the Lord’s people.  


This is who Jesus is, the Bible tells us, but it is not the kind of Messiah that the people on the mountainside next to the Sea of Galilee have in mind this day when they see His miraculous power at work.  They no doubt have enjoyed the free lunch—a different kind of unfunded assistance program than the kind we fight about today in political arguments.  But they probably do not want Jesus to be king just so they won’t have to work and can spend their time sitting around doing whatever they want.  They more likely are sick and tired of looking around every day and seeing the Romans occupying and controlling their homeland.  


“If Jesus can feed 5,000 men—and counting women and children that’s probably more like 20,000 people—He can feed an army.  If He has power to heal people, He can bring wounded soldiers back to the battlefield.  If He can raise people from the dead, He can do anything, and not even the Roman military can defeat Him.  He is the hope for freedom we have waited for while suffering all these years.  For a chance like that, we can’t just give Him some subtle suggestions and hope He takes the hint.  We can’t just tell Him our opinions in a discussion.  We have to take bold action and draft Him as our king.  We won’t give Him a choice.  That’s the only way.”  


Thoughts like these are probably in the heads of the people in the crowd with Jesus after the miracle of feeding thousands.  This same story appears in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, too.  These three all note that John the Baptist has now been killed.  Jesus and His disciples may be here this day in part because they are trying to get away from the crowds and be alone to grieve.  Also, many in the crowds may be full of anger over the killing of this popular leader and very eager to find someone to lead them in fighting back against a government that would do such a thing.  And thoughts like this are likely not only in the heads of people in the crowds but Jesus’ own disciples, too.  It’s very possible that His decision to go away again to a mountain by himself (v. 15) reflects His need to be away from them, as well.  


At least some of them may continue holding on to this idea of wanting Jesus to be a political-military ruler of their country.  Judas is probably among them.  We read about Jesus in v. 64, “And he had known who was going to hand him over to his enemies.”  Why does Judas later betray Jesus by selling Him for 30 pieces of silver?  The Bible does not say clearly, but one of the theories is that he decides to “force Jesus’ hand.”  He has seen Jesus’ power to do miracles and knows that the Romans cannot stop Him if He uses it in a war of liberation.  When He finally sees that Christ is not willing to do this on His own, he decides to put Jesus in a position of “having to” use it.  He believes that when the soldiers go to take Jesus by force at the Garden of Gethsemane, Christ will decide He has to begin the rebellion and fight to set His people free from Rome.  Then when in fact the Lord does not react this way, Judas feels all is lost and commits suicide. 


Whether or not this explains Judas’ mind, Jesus shows clearly that His own mission is not centrally a political one.  We often hear people loudly and actively campaigning over public address systems so that they can have a chance to be in positions of political power.  In my country there are already over 20 people 

officially trying to become the next president in place of Donald Trump.  Many people are very hungry for this kind of power.  Why does Christ turn away from it?  Does God teach that worldly power of this type is bad?  No, not really.  Some of the greatest characters in the Bible are political-military leaders whom God has raised up and used for great work.  Joseph, Moses, and David are well-known examples.  Being in political power does lead many people into great temptation and testing, but Christ does not avoid it because of that.  It seems more that God simply has given Him a different mission for the fairly short time He is to be here in this world as a human.  


Jesus is here to be our king.  We must make no mistake about that.  But He sees that the people who want to set Him on a throne have a basic misunderstanding of the kind of king that God sent Him to this world to be.  He does not seek their support and cannot accept it.  The time to make that clear is not right after the miracle of feeding thousands of people.  This explains His silence.  


What these would-be followers would be doing in making Jesus a political-military king is what we could call in English “gilding the lily.”  In trying to improve on something that is naturally beautiful, they would be ruining it.  It is like painting a ruby or lacquering gold.  “That Mona Lisa is pretty good, but I think I could make it better if I turned her into a disco dancer.”  Our ideas about what we would like to change Jesus into can be like that.  Then we show a basic misunderstanding of who He is and what He desires to do in our lives and world.


But not long after this part of the story, Jesus is ready to tell more of what the kingdom of God means to Him.  The crowds He has left have followed Him, even as He has come down from the mountain, walked across the Sea of Galilee during a storm to His disciples, and then gone to Capernaum, where He apparently now lives.  There He is teaching in a synagogue.  There He speaks to at least some of the same people who were there when He multiplied the gift of food so many times.  They all know about bread—it is fresh in their minds.  So Jesus takes that as the key image to use as He makes known who He is and what He is here to do.  


Christ presents Himself as “the bread of life” (v. 48), “the living bread” (v. 51), and “the bread that came down from heaven” (v. 58). He is telling His listeners that to be their best selves and live their best lives, they actually need a lot more than that free food they got from Him on the mountainside.  Yes, God gave it to them as He gave manna to the people of Israel in the desert in the Exodus story.  But they eventually died, and everyone here today will, too.  So you need more than food for your body and the life it gives you physically.  That’s what Deuteronomy 8:3 means, “man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD.”  Those words are food for your soul, the kind that gives you eternal life.  And that is what Jesus alone can give.  He is that living bread to people who accept it by faith.  Just as food gives life to our bodies through our active choice to take it into our mouths, through the willing act of belief, we can actually receive Christ into our hearts and begin a life of faith as His followers.  


Jesus puts this in words that may sound kind of grotesque to us, and they likely did to the people who first heard them, too.  “You must eat the Son of Man’s body and drink his blood,” He says in v. 53.  What?  That sounds like cannibals and Dracula.  Yuck.  If Jesus is trying to come up with smooth-sounding phrases like advertising slogans to attract a lot of followers, this is exactly the kind of wording He will never choose.  But His purpose is not to draw a big crowd—it is to tell the truth.  If people want to follow Him as their king, they need to know that He is the king who is headed to the cross.  There He will give His body and blood.  He actually loves His enemies, so being king to Him does not mean killing them so He can take and keep power.  His kind of ruling over a kingdom is an amazing kind of servant leadership.  He is not trying to keep everyone else down so He can keep power in His hands.  Because He knows He is powerful, He doesn’t have to keep proving it.  Instead, He makes it His purpose to lift others up.  Christ the king wears a crown, but He also bears a cross.


And even more unsettling to His would-be followers, when Jesus is our king, He tells us as His people to come after Him, to work hard with Him in building His kingdom, to serve the people around us, and to suffer with Him when necessary.  Followers of Christ have the high honor of being members of God’s royal family.  


There are crowns for us, too.  But, as with Jesus, the way to our crowns is through our crosses.  


When the crowds hear this message, they lose interest quickly.  We can almost hear them saying, “Jesus, your talk today isn’t really inspiring us.  We came here to be uplifted, and we’re not getting much out of this.  We were really more interested in health, wealth, and good times.  Something along the lines of that free food would be a lot better, don’t you think?  Why don’t you go back to stuff like that?  With all this about eating your body, drinking your blood, and your dying, we’re losing our appetite, in more ways than one.  Who wants a king who talks like that?”  The disciples complain about how hard Jesus’ teachings are (v. 60), and many would-be followers give up and turn back (v. 66).  


So how about us?  That is the question this story keeps raising today.  We are here today because we have seen something attractive in Jesus Christ.  It may be His power to supply our needs, give health, provide a supportive community, or whatever.  Those may all be wonderful reasons to come to Christ.  But He has much more in mind than them.


We are human beings and tend to think first of what we can get out of a relationship.  We can approach Jesus with an agenda in mind.  “Lord, I see your power and praise you for it.  Please use it to help me get good grades, admission to the schools I want most to attend, build an impressive resume, get membership in organizations with impressive names, compile a long list of accomplishments, enjoy the comfort of a big bank account, drive a nice car, live in a beautiful home, wear attractive clothes, marry just the right person for me, and raise cute, talented children so that at the end of my wonderful life, I will be surrounded by people who love me and help me bring it to a glorious close.”  


That is a prayer to the Jesus who exists to make my dreams come true.  The key part of our relationship is my individual freedom and control over my life.  In that approach to Jesus, I am trying to create Him in my image, get Him to be what I want Him to be.  I want to force Him to be king—on my terms.  When I try to build that kind of relationship with Him, I may notice a lot of silence in my prayer life.  I may ask for His help but see Him turning and walking away up a mountain to be alone.  


On the other hand, when I make my agenda just getting to know Jesus Himself in a deeper way, when I ask Him to help me discover what my life is meant to look like with Him as my king, when I ask Him to guide me in forming my plans, when I count on having some challenges and suffering but count even more on Him to give me the strength to face them, then the way is opened to a deepening faith and a growing love for my Lord and Savior.  Then my eyes are opened to the goodness and beauty of the Giver and not just the gifts I receive from Him.  Then I am learning what it means to live in the kingdom of God.


Would you like to learn that together with me and this whole family of faith?  If so, let’s ask the Lord now to help us do that. 


God who rules over all, you have already given us your invitation: “Follow me.”  Set us free from the desire to try to get you to follow us.  Give us the courage and will and freedom of spirit to go together with you wherever you take us.  Even when that means choosing forgiveness rather than revenge, having little rather than much, and loving others as much as we love ourselves, help us to learn to live more each day as your children, our Father and King.  In Jesus’ name, amen.




Ainsworth, P. C. (1912). The Silences of Jesus and St. Paul’s Hymn to Love. London: C. H. Kelly. Hathitrust Digital Library. Retrieved February 9, 2019 from https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/009972910

Henry, M. (1706). Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete). Retrieved May 28, 2019 from https://www.biblestudytools.com/ commentaries/matthew-henry-complete/john/6.html


ヨハネによる福音書6章11〜15, 60,63〜66


“ わたしたちがイエス様に望むこと“





 また、今日のお話では、イエス様の働きが社会的、物質的な面が強くあることを学んでいきます。イエス様にとって人々に十分な食べ物があることは重要なことです。なので、イエス様は彼らが決して忘れられない昼食(ランチ)を作り出します。このような物質的な行動はイエス様の霊的な次元の働きとはかけ離れたものではなく、密接に関連しています。食べ物を作り出すというイエス様の奇蹟は ”印(しるし)” であるとヨハネは言っています(14章)。それは、人々を空腹状態から養うことができるからだけではなく、神様が人々と共にいて、彼らの必要を満たすことで神様の愛を示すことができる故に重要なことです。そしてそれは、神様の王国における生活がどのようなものであるかを示す”印” で、すなわち誰もが十分であるということなのです。誰も、十分過ぎることなく、また、省かれることもありません。私達がどんなに多くを持ったとしても、それは私達の王である神様からの”贈り物” であると私達は皆知っています。ですから私達の人生は感謝すべきもの、共に楽しむものなのです。奇蹟はこの世において神様の統治する人生がどのようなものかを示す”印”ということだけではなく、私達の王様である神様が永遠に統治する天国での生活がどのようなものであるかを描写するものでもあります。




 ” これはこの世に来られる預言者に違いない。”(14節)というものです。聖書では、そのように捉えている限り、彼らは正しいのです。しかし、彼らの考えは彼らが直面している政治的な状況に急激に飛躍します。15節で ” 彼らはイエス様を強いて彼らの王とする為に来ようと計画した。”  とあり、その時にイエス様は沈黙するのです。ヨハネは続けて、” そこでイエス様は再びお一人で山へ去られた。” と言っています。

  ここで何が起こっているのでしょう? イエス様はいかにして突然、王の預言者という立場から姿を消すまでに至るのでしょう。この時点で、何がここで起きているのか分からなくなるのも最もなことです。でも、このことは私達にイエス様のご生涯の意味と目的について、またイエス様が私達の人生で何になろうと望んでおられるのか、多くを教えてくれているのです。なので戻ってもう一度そのことを見ていきましょう。


 イエス様の時代の人々はとりわけ、神様の民を救う為にこの世界に神様から送られるメシア(ギリシャ語でキリスト)を待ち望んでいます。そのはるか昔、神様はモーセにヘブライ人についての約束をされました。 “ 私は彼らの為にあなたのような預言者を立ち上げる。その人は彼ら自身の民の中の1人である。私は私の言葉を彼の口に置く。彼は私が彼に命じて言わせる全てを民に告げる。” (申命記18章18節)

 そしてモーセはイスラエルの民に、” あなた方の神である主は、あなた方の為に私のような預言者を立ち上げて下さる。彼はあなた方自身の民の1人である。あなた方はその人の言葉を聞かなければならない。” (申命記18章15節) と言います。



  “  私はキリストではありません。” 


  “  それではあなたは誰ですか? エリヤですか?” 


“ 違います。 “ 


  “. 私達が待ち望んで来た預言者なのですか? “ 

  .” 違います。 “ 










 “ もしイエスが5千人の男を食べさせられるなら〜女性と子供を数えると多分2万人以上の人々.   〜軍隊を養うことだってできる。もしイエスが人々を癒す力を持っているなら、負傷した兵士を戦いの場へ戻すこともできる。もしイエスが人々を死から蘇らせることができるなら、イエスは何でもできて、ローマの軍隊をもってさえイエスを打ち負かすことはできない。イエスはここ何年もの間苦難を受けながら待ち望んでいた我々の自由への希望だ。そのような希望を生かす為、我々はイエスが暗示として受け取るような曖昧な提案や希望を単に示すことはできない。我々の意見を議論をもって彼に単に言うことはできない。我々は大胆な行動をとりイエスを我々の王としなければならない。我々はイエスに選択の自由を与えてはならない。





 少なくとも彼らの内幾人かは、イエス様に彼らの国の政治軍事的な指導者になって欲しいという考えを引き続き持っていたものと思います。多分ユダはその内の一人です。64節ではイエス様について ” イエスは誰がご自分を敵の手に渡すか知っておられた。” と書いてあります。

 何故ユダはこの後に銀貨30枚でイエス様を売って裏切るのでしょう? 聖書ははっきりと語っていません。しかし一つの説として、ユダは “イエス様の手を無理矢理使わせようと “ 決断したというものがあります。ユダは奇蹟を行うイエス様の力を見ており、もしイエス様がその力を解放戦争に使えばローマ人はイエス様を止められないと知っています。ユダはキリストがご自身でそうしないという事を最終的に理解した時、イエス様がその力を “ 使わなければならない “ 状態にしようと決めました。



これがユダの心を説明している否かどうであろうと、イエス様は明確にご自身の使命が政治的なものが中心ではないことを示されています。私達は時に人々が、政治的な力を持つ地位にいるチャンスを得る為、放送装置(PAシステム)で大きな声で積極的に政治運動をするのを聞いたりします。私の国では正式にドナルド・トランプ氏の代わりに次の大統領になろうしている人が既に20人以上います。多くの人がこの種の力に非常に飢えています。何故キリストはこの力に背を向けたのでしょう。神様の教えはこの種の世界的な力を悪だと言っているのでしょうか? いいえ、そうでもありません。聖書の中に登場する偉大な人々には神様によって立ち上げられ偉大な業務の為に神様に使われた政治・軍事的な指導者達がいます。ヨセフ、モーセ、ダビデはよく知られたその例です。政治的な力に生きることは多くの人々を大きな誘惑と試練に導きます。しかしキリストはそのこと故に政治的な力を避けた訳ではありません。それは神様がただ単に比較的短い期間に人としてこの世界にいるイエス様に、異なった使命をお与えになったと思われるのです。





  イエス様を王にしようとしている人たちがしていることは英語で「gilding the lily、ギールデイング・ザ・リリー」と呼ばれることです。「屋上屋を架す」ということで、すでに完璧であるところへ不必要な追加をすることです。すでに美しいものを改善しようとしてだめにしてしまうことです。ルービーにペンキを塗ることや金で出来ているものにラッカーを塗ることに似ていて愚かです。「あのモナリザがかなりきれいだけどおれが彼女をデイスコ・ダンサーにすればもっといいと思う。」わたしたちがイエス様にして欲しいことについて考えることはそのようなことがあります。そのような希望を抱くときイエス様はどのような存在なのか、わたしたちと世界の人々の人生において望んでおられることを基本的なレベルで誤解しているということを表しています。





 キリストはご自身を “ 命のパン “ (48節) “ 生きているパン “ (51節) そして、” 天から降りてくるパン” (58節) と言っています。イエス様は話を聞いている人々に、最高の自分自身になりなさい、最高の人生を生きなさいと話していて、彼らは実際には、山腹でイエス様からいただいた無料の食べ物という必要よりももっと多くのものを必要としています。そうです、神様は、出エジプトの時に砂漠でイスラエルの民にマナをお与えになったように、彼らにそれをお与えになりました。

でも結局彼らは死んでしまい、今日ここにいる全ての人もそうなります。ですから身体や命のために物質として与えられる食べ物、それ以上のものが必要なのです。それが申命記8勝3節で、” 人はパンのみで生きるのではなく、主の口から出る一つひとつの言葉によって生きる。” と言われている意味です。これらの言葉は人の魂の食べ物であり、永遠の命を与える性質のものです。そしてこれこそ、イエス様だけが与えることができることです。イエス様こそ、信仰によって受け入れる人々の生けるパンです。私達が積極的な選択によって食べ物を口にすることを通して私達の身体に命を与えることと同じように、信じるという意志を持つ行動を通して、私達は実際にキリストを心に受け入れることができ、キリストを信じる者として信仰の生活を始めるのです。


 イエス様はこれを言葉にするのですが、それは私達に不快なようなものに聞こえるかも知れませんし、初めて聞いた人々にもそう聞こえた可能性が高いです。 “ あなた方は人の子の身体を食べ、その血を飲まなければなりません。”  と53節でイエス様は言っています。

 何ですか? それは人食いとかドラキュラのように聞こえますよね。うわっ。




   ” イエス様、あなたが今日語ることは私達を元気にするものではありません。私達がここに来たのは、元気にしていただきたいからです。この話からは多くを学ぶことができません。私達はもっと健康や財産、楽しい時間のことに興味があるのです。あの、ただでもらえる食べ物の

ような事のほうがもっと良いのです。そう思われませんか? そのような事に戻っては頂けま

せんか? あなたの身体を食べる、あなたの血を飲む、あなたが死なれる、そのような全ての 事について、私達はあらゆる意味で興味をなくしています。誰がそのような事を話す王を望み



弟子達はイエス様の教えが難しい事に不平を漏らしています。(60節) そして多くの従おうとする者(弟子達)が背を向けて帰っていきました。(66節)


  私達はどうでしょう? この物語が今日でも提起され続けている問いかけがこれです。私達は今日イエスキリストについて何かの魅力を感じたからここにいます。それは私達の必要、協力的な共同体がある事やその他のことを用意してくださるイエス様の力なのかも知れません。それらはキリストの下に来る素晴らしい理由かもしれません。




  “ 主よ。あなたの力を知ってそれ故にあなたを褒め称えます。どうぞその力を、良い成績が取れ るよう、私が1番通いたいと思っている学校に入学できるよう、印象的で感動的な履歴書が作れるよう、有名人がいる組織のメンバーシップが得られるよう、自分の業績の長いリストを積みあげることができるよう、たくさんお金のある銀行口座を持つ快適さを楽しめるよう、良い車を運転できるよう、美しい家に住めるよう、魅力的な服が着られるよう、自分にピッタリ合う人と結婚できるよう、私の素晴らしい人生の最後に私を愛する人々に囲まれ栄光ある最後となるため、可愛くて才能に溢れた子供達を育てることができるように、そのようなことができるよう私を助けるために使って下さい。”






 私とこの信仰の家族と一緒にこのことを学びませんか。 もしそうされたいのなら、そのことができるよう主の助けをお願いしましょう。


 全てを支配される神様、あなたは既に”私に従って来なさい。”  と私達を招いておられます。あなたを私達に従わせようとする願望から自由にして下さい。あなたが私達を導かれるところどこでも、あなたと共に進む勇気、意志そして魂の自由を与えて下さい。たとえそれが、報復の代わりに赦しを、多く持つことよりも少なく持つことを、自分を愛するように他人を愛することを選ぶことを意味する時でも、毎日私達の父そして王であるあなたの子供として生きることを学ぶことができますように助けて下さい。イエス様のお名前によって祈ります。アーメン。




Ainsworth, P. C. (1912). The Silences of Jesus and St. Paul’s Hymn to Love. London: C. H. Kelly. Hathitrust Digital Library. Retrieved February 9, 2019 from https://catalog. hathitrust.org/Record/009972910


Henry, M. (1706). Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete). Retrieved May 28, 2019 from https://www.biblestudytools.com/commentaries/matthew- henry-complete/john/6.html