Free from Division, Free to Live in God’s Peace

分裂からの自由、神の平和の中で生きる自由 ヤコブの手紙4章1〜10節
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English service on June 17,2018

Messenger: Pastor Jim Allison 

Passage: James 4:1-10 

“Free from Division, Free to Live in God’s Peace”


Happy Father’s Day, dads and everyone!  Good morning, and welcome, including those of you joining us online.  We are continuing our journey through the New Testament letter of James today.  You may remember that Jesus of Nazareth had a younger brother named James.  Many Bible scholars think that it was this person who wrote this letter, though it is not 100% clear.  James sometimes calls his readers “brothers and sisters” (1:2, for example), so it seems it was written to Christian people.  He writes with the understanding, it appears, that his readers understand the Jewish religion from their backgrounds, though they are scattered among various nations.  They are there apparently because they have been persecuted for their faith.  He writes to call them to stand strong in that faith and as they face hard times.


They are having difficulty especially because of not only mean-spirited people in the surrounding cultures but also from divisions inside the Church.  So he asks them in 4:1, “Why do you fight and argue among yourselves?”  We might expect this from people who have never known the love of God, been set free from the penalty of sin by the message of the gospel, and committed themselves to living under the leadership of the God of peace.  But James’ words show that even sincere disciples of Christ still struggle mightily to live in the peace Christ has provided for us.  By grace we have been set free from the penalty of sin, but its presence and power are still real, and we continue to battle with them as long as we are in this world.  I do and you do, too.  As long as we do, we may be free from punishment for sin, but we will not be fully free to live in the peace God desires for all people.  So James’ words, God’s words, are to us.


They are also to our world today, with the many divisions we see in it.  

In the efforts we’ve seen this past week to make peace between North Korea and other countries, it has been clear how badly we need to bridge the divisions between the nations in this part of the world.  We pray for that, with hope based on God’s ability to use far-from-perfect tools to accomplish His work of peace.  


It is disappointing to me as a U.S. citizen to see how deep the divisions between people in my country are becoming.  Have you followed the story of Jack Phillips, the man who ran a bakery in Colorado?  According to court records, two gay men came into his place of business and asked him to design a cake for their same-sex wedding celebration.  Phillips said he would sell them anything that was already made, but as a Christian, it went against his beliefs to support the celebration by designing a cake, so he would not. 


The couple reported him to the state government.  Phillips received a great amount of criticism in the media over many weeks, many customers stopped coming, he had to lay off staff members, and the Colorado Civil Rights Commission condemned his actions in very strong language.  It compared them to defending slavery and the Holocaust based on one’s religious beliefs.  It called his faith “despicable.”  


He appealed, and the case finally made its way to the U.S. Supreme Court recently.  It decided that Mr. Phillips had been judged unfairly by the Colorado government and his religious freedoms not adequately protected.  So many Christians were happy to see this official support for religious freedom.  However, in this very narrow decision, many of the largest questions were left unanswered about specifically how to balance the freedoms of LGBT and other individuals to receive equal treatment with the freedoms of others to live according to their religious beliefs.  We need to continue to pray for wise and fair decisions to be made. 


This case makes it clear what deep divisions we face.  Some Christians felt that it would be a more Christ-like thing for Mr. Phillips to make the cake for the couple, while others thought they would have to disrespect the teachings of the God of the Bible in order to reach that conclusion.  Some thought that Mr. Phillips’ actions were wrong because it made it more difficult to tell the gospel in the us-versus-them atmosphere that was forming.  Some Christians sensed it was wrong that Mr. Phillips had to wait for a secular group of judges to support him while other Christians stayed silent or actively opposed him.  Many Christ-followers are disappointed at seeing how difficult it is becoming in this age of conflict for LGBT people to see how deeply our God cares for them.  The fact that there continue to be Christians who have an ungodly attitude of judgment toward people of different sexual orientations is discouraging to many, as well.  So the kinds of divisions James writes to address are still with us.  Christians can be pretty un-Christlike to each other about things like this sometimes.             


The Bible seems to make a distinction between conflict and division.  Human beings naturally have different personalities and priorities and life experiences.  These lead us to conflict, and God does not seem to think that is strange or bad.  Conflict is a normal part of life, though a stressful one, and the only way to have no conflict is to have no relationship.  Our Lord does not teach His people to protect ourselves from conflict by withdrawing emotionally and avoiding forming deep relationships to run from the pain and trouble of conflict.  


Rather, He teaches us how to work through conflict knowing that the path to the kind of community and fellowship He desires for us goes through the stresses and strains of human relationships.  Division is broken relationship, and this displeases God greatly.  It is sin.  It breaks His heart.  So when His people are in conflict, He wants us to learn not to run from it or deny it but approach it with a deep understanding of our oneness in Him.  Through the cross we are linked with both Him and each other in a bond that is unbreakable.  He wants us to learn to handle conflict with a deep commitment to unity and peace, to working out our troubles and not leaving the relationship.  When we have given ourselves to this from the beginning, then constructive, productive conflict is possible.  It can serve to bring us into deeper relationship with each other.  That is God’s will for us in when troubles between people happen. 


To build and keep healthy bonds with people, we have to face honestly the things inside us that work against peaceful relationships.  There is a famous quote from a military commander in the U.S.  After the Battle of Lake Erie in the War of 1812, Oliver H. Perry reported victory: “We have met the enemy, and they are ours.”  But James, like Walt Kelly and others, points us to another truth: “We have met the enemy, and he is us.”  


In 4:1 he says that our “sinful longings” fight inside us and cause trouble in our human relationships.  The original word for “longings” means something not necessarily sinful.  It may be a natural desire for something good like safety or delicious food or sex that we try to fill in a way that is wrong or with an attitude that is displeasing to God.  Sin often works in that way.  It takes a natural, God-given part of life and twists it into something damaging and destructive.  


What was happening among God’s people?  In v. 2 James says, “You kill. . . .”  What?  Christian-on-Christian violence?  Bible translators struggle greatly with this verse.  It is possible that someone literally killed another Christ-follower because of some rivalry.  But it may also be that there was hatred between people in the Church, and James writes about it in light of Jesus’ teaching that murder starts in the heart (Matthew 5:21-26) and I John 3:15, which says, “Those who hate their brothers and sisters are murderers.”  


James continues in v. 2, “You argue and fight. You don't have what you 

want, because you don't ask God.”  In other words, your troubles with people have their roots in your troubled relationship with God.  To put it in a more positive way, the guidance and power to overcome your problems with people also grow out of your relationship with God.


James builds on this in v. 3, “When you do ask for something, you don't receive it. Why? Because you ask for the wrong reason.”  Then he gives us an example: “You want to spend your money on your sinful pleasures.”  The harshest thing God could do to us sometimes is to give us what we ask for in prayer.  The reason we don’t get what we ask Him for in some cases is that He is kind.  He sees what receiving the thing we request will do to us, and He wants something better for us.  Our Lord sees farther down the road than we can, and He has our best interests at heart.  So when His answer to prayer is “No” or “Not yet,” we are wise not to get too upset or discouraged about it.  Only He knows how much grief and trouble He is saving us by answering that way.


James is getting honest here.  “You are not faithful to God,” he writes in v. 4.  He is using the language of adultery.  He is echoing the Old Testament prophets like Hosea when they told the people of Israel that they were breaking their covenant with God.  The covenant was a sacred promise between God and His people, the model for the promises a man and woman exchange in a Christian wedding.  The people of Israel refused to live in the faithful, exclusive love relationship with God that He had in His plans for them.  James says that by fighting with each other, Christians are showing that they don’t really love God or His plans for us to live in peace, either.  Ouch!  He is describing us, too.    


We’ve forgotten—or never really learned—something important.  That is (v. 4), “to be a friend of the world” means “to hate God.”  Is anyone here thinking, “What?  I don’t get it.  Doesn’t God want us to be friends of the world’s people?”  Yes, He does.  To understand these words, we need to see that some Bible writers (John especially, like James here) use “the world” in a special way, not just to mean the place we live, which God created.  “The world” in this particular meaning is in contrast to heaven, or the kingdom of God.  In the world where the things God loves really happen, things are right.  In “the world,” they are not.  


So “to be a friend of the world” means taking on the “me first” attitude that runs so much of our world.  It means setting your priorities on getting ahead and not on the kind of person you are or how you treat other people while fighting your way to the top.  It means becoming part of the system in which bigger, stronger, faster, richer, better-connected people get to walk on those who aren’t.  It means buying into the idea that the important people are the ones who have more, know more, or can do more.  The others, well, too bad for them.  It means doing what I know and believe to be right unless it may make me less popular with people around me.  Then I become a chameleon and act like I am the same as everyone else, (hoping that is possible and I’m convincing enough).  


This is not just a matter of doing certain good things and avoiding certain others, James says.  It goes deeper than that—all the way to who you are and whose you are.  It is a matter of belonging.  We may like to think, “I am my own person.”  We may say (with the poet W. E. Henley), “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.”   But the truth is that all of us live in relationship with others and the natural world.  We influence the world around us and receive influence from it every day.  We belong to something or someone.  James reminds us that, in the end, we either act like we belong to God, or like we belong to this world.  The two cannot be the same.  They are different ways of living.  “The spirit that God caused to live in us wants us to belong only to God” (4:5b).


So if we refuse to do the hard work of learning to understand, accept, and support each other, giving and receiving forgiveness with each other, we have a God-sized problem, James says.  He quotes Proverbs 3:34, “God opposes those who are proud. But he gives grace to those who are not.”  That word opposes is a military term.  God is coming up against us in battle.  Guess who is going to win.  So what can we do?  The answer contains another military image (v. 7): “. . . Obey God.”  In other words, surrender.  Stop being be the two-year-old who tries to control Mom and Dad by screaming at them.  Stop being the insect who tries to beat Sota Fujii at shogi.  Let God be God and find the freedom that comes in living by His good plans.  You weren’t doing a very good job of being God, anyway.   


There are three very specific promises of God in this passage.  He tells us, “Stand up to the devil. He will run away from you.”  We are in a world where there is not only sweetness and light but brokenness, suffering, and evil are real.  We need to see this clearly but not let it defeat us.  We must not give up and follow our own feelings or just do whatever people around us are doing.  That is not reasonable behavior for people who have the greatest power in the universe, God, living inside our hearts, minds, and bodies.  We ourselves are not scary to the devil, but He is.  When we choose to go His way, the evil that is actively at work in our lives will leave us.  The devil will not stay away forever, so we need constant reliance on the Lord.  Even in Jesus’ life, this was true.  But we are designed and intended to overcome trials and temptations, not be defeated by them.


The second promise is “Come near to God, and he will come near to you” (v. 8).  This points again to the simple but powerful, even life-changing truth that God wants a relationship with you and me.  He invites us to walk with him on a day-by-day, moment-by-moment basis.  That is what Jesus means when He tells us (Matthew 7:7), “Ask, and it will be given to you. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you.”  He is not only teaching attitudes that lead to finding knowledge, success, or victory.  Christ is telling us to seek God because as surely as we do, we will find Him.  He wants to be found, but He knows that our freely choosing to seek is a crucial part of forming the relationship of love and trust that He so deeply desires.  He is our peace, as we often sing in our worship.


Coming near to God, just like washing your hands and purifying your heart were things Jewish priests did in leading ceremonies.  James uses these images to tell his Jewish-background readers something important: in their traditions is reflected the basic fact that God loves human beings and longs to have a strong relationship with us.  And to make this possible, He has given all of us (not just priests or Jewish people or any smaller group but all who believe) the opportunity to link our lives with His.  Not only physically but spiritually, through the cross, He has given us the chance to wash our hands, purify our hearts, and come near to Him.  In this is the hope for our salvation and the peace it brings.  


The third promise is in v. 10. “Bow down to the Lord. He will lift you up.”  James is telling us this because he knows how many of the divisions between people grow out of pride, the urge to put ourselves up as number one, the will to self-promotion.  And he is not just giving us practical advice on a technique for peace-making.  God knows our hearts, and He sees what a serious threat pride is to our spiritual lives.  It can be like a cancer that grows and eats at the healthy, vibrant life of the spirit that God designed us to have.  The Lord knows when we are ready to handle honor, praise, and popularity.  And He knows when being “lifted up” would be the absolute worst thing for us because we are not yet mature enough to receive the attention of others in a humble, thankful, healthy way.  It’s not that God doesn’t want us to be lifted up.  He does.  But He knows when the time is right, and we often do not.  So we are far happier in the long run to leave things like this in His hands.  If we make the praise of others our goal, it will turn to dust in our hands.  But if we make our goal a life with God at the center, in His time and way, in His amazing grace, He will give us honor by growing us into people who live honorable lives.  


The good news that I have brought to you once again today is that we serve the God of peace.  Our God is committed to helping us overcome the divisions that separate us from the people around us.  And He is powerful to save in every part of our lives and each relationship that needs His healing.  So let’s go to Him now in prayer.  


Loving Father, you have taught us, “Those who make peace should plant peace like a seed. If they do, it will produce a crop of right living” (James 3:18).  We want this, but we cannot achieve it on our own.  So we ask you, in simple faith, from hearts that have good reason to be humble, free us from the pride, the envy, the ambition, and everything that leads us into broken relationships and division.  Lift us up and make us able to live in peace, first with you and through that with each person you have placed in our lives.  In the name of the Prince of Peace, Christ, our Lord and Savior, amen.  




Bush, L. (May 19, 2014). “The Morphology of a Humorous Phrase: ‘We have met the enemy, and he is us.’” Retrieved June 10, 2018 from -of-a-humorous-phrase/

Henley, W. E. (1875). “Invictus.” Retrieved June 10, 2018 from

Robertson, A. T. (1960). Robertson's Word Pictures of the New Testament. Rev. ed. Broadman Press. Retrieved June 9, 2018 from tures/james/james-4-1.html

Supreme Court of the United States. (June 4, 2018). Syllabus, Masterpiece 

Cakeshop, Ltd., et al. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission et al. Retrieved June 10, 2018 from inions/17pdf/16-111_new_d1of.pdf                                                                        






   今日も、新約聖書のヤコブの手紙を通して私達の旅をしてまいりましょう。 ご承知のことかもしれませんが、ナザレのイエスにはヤコブという名前の弟がおりました。多くの聖書学者は、この手紙を書いた人物こそ彼であると考えていますが、100%明確なことではありません。










  私の国の人々の間で、分裂が深くなってきているのを見ることは、アメリカの市民である私にとっては失望することなのです。ジャック・フィリップスというコロラド州でケーキ店を経営している男性の話をご存知でしょうか?  裁判の記録によれば、二人のゲイの男性が彼の職場へやってきて、彼らの同性婚の祝賀のためウエディングケーキの作成を依頼しました。














   他の人と健全な関係を築き、それを維持していくためには、私達は、私達の内側ある平和的な関係に反する働きに対し、正直に向き合わなければなりません。アメリカの軍司令官の有名な引用があります。1812年 「エリー湖の戦い」の後、オリバー・H・ペリー提督は“我々は敵と遭遇し、全てを捕獲した。(They are ours. 彼らは我々のものだ。)” と勝利の報告をしました。

 しかし、ヤコブやウォルト・ケリー(ウォルト・ディズニー社のアニメーター)のような人は他の事実を私達に示すでしょう。“我々は敵と遭遇、敵は私達であると分かった。(He is us. )”




 神様に従う人々に何が起こったのでしょう? 2章でヤコブは。”あなた方は殺す〜“と言っています。何で? クリスチャン同士で暴力沙汰? 聖書の翻訳者はこの部分にすごく葛藤を覚えたことでしょう。誰かが他のキリストに従う者を、ライバル心(競争意識)から文字通り殺害することは可能なのですが、教会の中で人々の間に増悪というものもあったことから、ヤコブは、殺人は心の中から始まる(マタイ5章21〜25節)というイエス様の教えやヨハネ第1の手紙で言っている”兄弟姉妹を憎む者は人殺しです。“に注目してこのように書いているのです。


  ヤコブは引き続き、2章で ”あなた方は争い、戦ったりします。 自分の欲するものが得られないからです。何故ならば、あなた方は神に求めていないからです。“ と言います。言い換えれば、あなた方の持つ人間関係のトラブルは、あなた方が神樣との関係において問題があることが原因だということです。これをより肯定的な方法で言うと、人々とのトラブルを克服するための教えとその力は、神様との関係を発展させることにもあるということです。

  ヤコブはこのことについて3章で組み立てていきます。”あなた方が何かを求めても、与えられないのは、悪い動機で願っているからです。“ その例をヤコブは、”あなた方は自分の罪深い喜びのために、自分のお金を使いたいと思っています。“と言っています。

  神様が時々私達に最も厳しいことをされるのですが、それは、私達が祈りによって求めることを私達に与えることです。私達が神様に願ったことを私達が得られない場合、その理由の一つは、神様が親切なお方だということです。神様は私達が願って得たことが私達にすることを見ています。 神様は私達が見ることのできる道より、ずっと遠くのところを見ており、私達の最優先の利益を考えておられるのです。ですから、神様の答えが祈りに対して、”ノー“又は”今はまだだめ“という時には、過剰に怒ったり落胆したりしないという知恵を持つべきなのです。



  ヤコブはここで正直になってきています。4節では”あなた方は神に忠実ではない“ と言い、更に、不貞という言葉を使っています。旧約聖書の多分ホセアのような預言者が、イスラエルの人々に彼らが神様との契約を破ったと言った時のことを参照していると思います。この契約は神様と神様に従う者との聖なる約束でした。クリスチャンの結婚における男女の約束のモデルです。



   私達は、何か大切なものを忘れてしまっているか、若しくは、決して学ばないのか、このどちらかです。それは(4節)で”世の友になる“ことが、”神様を嫌う“ということを意味するということです。皆さんの中で、”何? 分からない。神様は私達がこの世の中の人々と友人になることを望んでいないのでしょうか?“と考えた方はいませんか? いいえ、神様は、望んでおられるのです。

 これらの言葉を理解するためには、私達は、聖書の著者(特にヨハネ、ここではヤコブ)が、“この世” という言葉を、ただ単に神様が創造し私達が生きている場所を意味するのではなく、特別な方法で使っていることを見る必要があります。ここで言う“この世”が特別に意味するところは、天国、或いは神様の王国との対比なのです。そこは、神様が愛する事柄が実際に生じる(起こる)世界であり、物事は正しいのです。しかし、“この世”においては、そうではありません。



   これは、単にある種の良いことをして、他のことを避けるといったことではないとヤコブは言っています。それは、もっと深いことであって、自分は誰で、誰のものか、ということを考える過程なのです。それは帰属意識の問題です。私達は、“私は私自身です。”と考えたいのかもしれません。私達は(詩人のW・Eヘンリーと共に)“私は自分の運命の主人で、自分の魂の船長だ。”と言うかもしれません。 しかし、真実なのは、私達は皆、他の人とこの自然界との関係性の中で生きているということです。私達は毎日、私達のまわりの世界へ影響を与え、同時に影響を受けています。私達は何かに、又は誰かに属しています。最後にヤコブは私達に思い起こさせているのです。私達は神様に属しているように行動するのか、この世に属しているように行動するのかをです。この二つは同時にはできません。この二つは違う方法によって生活することなのです。“神様が私達の内に住まわせて下さる霊が、私達をただ神に属するように望んでいるのです。“(4・5節)


 ヤコブは箴言3章34節 ”神は誇る者を撃退し、そうでない者を恵まれる。“ と引用しています。

 ”oppose”(妨害する・反対する・阻止する・撃退する)という言葉は軍隊用語で、神様は、私達に戦闘の例をもってぶつかってきます。誰が勝つことができるでしょうか? だとしたら私達は何ができるのでしょう。答えは他の軍隊的なイメージの中にあります。(7節) “神様に従う” 言い換えると降伏するということです。



  この通り道には、三つの大変特別な神様の約束があります。 神様は私達に“悪魔に立ち向かいなさい。そうすれば悪魔はあなた方から走って逃げていきます。”と言っています。私達は、バラ色で明るいだけではなく、壊れていて、辛く、邪悪が現実の世界にいます。私達はこのことをしっかりと見なければなりませし、これに打ち負かされてはならないのです。私達は諦めてはならないし、私達自身の感情に従っていてはいけません。また周りの人がすることを何でも、単に行ってはならないのです。





 二番目の約束は、“神様の近くに行く”と言うことで、そうすれば神様は私達の側に来て下さいます。(8節) このことは、神様があなたや私との関係を望んでいるという、単純であるけれど、力強い、人生を変えることができる真実なのです。


 イエス様は、知識、成功、又は勝利を見つけようという態度について教えているだけでは なくて、神様を求めよと教えているのです。私達がそのようにする時には、確実に、神様を見つけることができるのです。神様は見つけ出されたいのです。しかし、神様は、私達の自由な選択で求めることが、神様が深く望んでいる愛と信頼関係をかたち作るために必要不可欠であると知っておられるのです。わたしたちは礼拝でよく歌うように「キリストはわたしたちの平和であります。」





  三番目の約束は10節で  “主に跪け。そうすれば主はあなたを引き上げて下さる。”ということです。ヤコブがこのように言っているのは、プライド(誇ること)から生じる、私達自身を一番にしたいという衝動、自分を売り込もうとする意志が人々の間で多くの分裂を起こすことを知っているからです。そして、ヤコブは平和のための技術について実践的なアドバイスを与えるだけではありません。神様は私達の心を知っており、どんなプライドが私達の霊的な生活に深刻な脅威を及ぼすかを見ておられます。それは、神様が私達が持つように設計した健康で活気のある霊的な命の中で成長し、これを食べてしまうがん細胞のようなものです。主は、私達が、尊敬、賞賛、信望を制御(コントロール)する用意ができる時を知っておられます。そして神様は、“引き上げられる”ことが私達にとって全く最悪なことになり得るということも知っておられます。何故ならば、私達は、謙遜や感謝を持って、健康的な方法で、他の人からの関心を受けるには、まだ十分成熟していないからです。それは神様が私達が引き上げられることを望んでいないということではなく、むしろ望んでおられるのですが、そうなる時が適切でも、私達が相応しくないことがあるからです。



   今日、私が皆さんにもう一度お伝えしたいニュースは、私達は平和の神様に仕えているということです。神様は、私達の周りの人々から私達を分かつ分裂を克服するため私達を助けて下さると約束しています。神様は私達の人生のどの部分においても、また神様の癒しを必要とする一つひとつの関係に対しても、私達を救うことのできる力があります。 ですから祈りを持って今、神様の御許へ行きましょう。






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