The Silence of Wise Timing

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English service on July 21, 2019 

Messenger: pastor Jim Allison 

John 16:12-14


The Silence of Wise Timing


I’m happy to be here again today with everyone at Open Door Chapel.  There’s nothing the same as meeting face-to-face, sharing a handshake or a hug, and spending some time in the same place at the same time.  But I was glad to hear recently from someone who follows us online, and if that is how you are joining us, I hope you know that you are welcome and appreciated, too. 


We are moving today toward the end of the message series, “The Silences of Christ.”  In some Bible stories, we might expect Jesus to say something grand and life-changing, but He remains silent.  In today’s reading, He is saying quite a bit, but He tells His followers that He is really staying quiet about a lot more.  He wants to tell them, of course.  The problem is that they—like His disciples today—are not ready to receive it.  


Jesus moves on pretty quickly to some other great, well-known teachings, so it may be easy to just speed by and miss the importance of this comment.  But He is really saying something of deep meaning, which we need always to keep in mind.  “I have much more to say to you. It is more than you can handle right now” (v. 12).  So He remains silent about these things.


Christ is the master teacher, so He knows better than to keep talking to His students when they are not ready to understand.  Doing that would be as foolish as giving pearls to a pig, He says in Matthew 7:6.  It’s not that He has something against pigs, but they wouldn’t be able to appreciate the beauty and value of the pearls.  They might just walk on them and waste them while they are hoping for something really good, like the leftovers from last night’s dinner.   

I’m a teacher, and there’s no mystery about what will happen in my classes if the class time is finished and I keep on talking.  I can say all I want, but the students aren’t going to learn much.  When the time to finish has come, they’ve flipped the switch in their minds and started to think about other things.


Besides this really practical truth behind Jesus’ words about His silence, there is another reality: He understands each person very deeply, so He knows what we are able to receive.  He is aware of the personalities we have, the stages of life we are in, our particular situations, and the needs that are ours.  In John 2:24b-25 we read, “He knew what people are like. He didn't need others to tell him what people are like. He already knew what was in the human heart.”  So He does not normally choose to lead us places we are not ready to go.  Because He is not only amazingly intelligent but also wise and—even more— loving, He comes to us where we are and works with us to lift us up from that place and help us move up to a higher one.  


But there are two things that seem to be making it very difficult for the disciples to accept Jesus’ words in John 16.  For one, they have just received a major emotional shock.  He has just told them that He is going to leave them.  “Now I am going to the One who sent me” (v. 5).  That is, He is going back to Heaven, where His Father, God, is.  Then He shows that He sees their pain.  “Because I have said these things, you are filled with sadness” (v. 6).  They have been with Him for probably around three years now, and they are hanging their futures’ hopes on Him.  So when He tells them (v. 16), “In a little while, you will no longer see me,” this is no minor loss.  They are in confusion and sadness and headed toward serious grief.  


But that’s not the only thing that makes it hard for them to take in more than Jesus is giving them now.  They have a religious background that has given them a whole different teaching about the Messiah and they type of savior God has sent Him into this world to be.  They have been taught that the Messiah, the Christ, will defeat their enemies and give them back the Promised Land, their territory, nation, and home.  They have understood this largely in military, political, and economic terms.  Now Jesus has come and told them “Love your enemies. Pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44).  Soon He will be telling them, “Put your sword back in its place. All who use the sword will die by the sword” (Matthew 26:52) and “My kingdom is not part of this world” (John 18:36).  


He is not giving up the Messiah’s place as King.  Not at all.  But He is understanding it in a much broader and more spiritual way than His disciples’ culture has prepared them to realize.  They will have special trouble accepting this part of His teaching.  This is not lost on Jesus.  He gets how difficult culture can make faith.  So He does not give up on leading them into deeper understanding, but He knows this is going to take more time.  And He is wise and patient enough to give it the time it takes because this is of great, lasting importance.   


I find a lot of hope for you and me in seeing the way Jesus treats His followers here.  Even after all these years, there’s still a lot about God, the Bible, and faith that I just don’t get.  I still have a long way to go to become the kind of person of deep love, faith, and understanding that I have been saying I want to become.  But God’s word reminds me that He is willing to work with people like me, even when we are slow and immature.  He is the eternal God.  He is not in a rush.  The way He works with human beings across the span of Old Testament and New Testament history shows what we call a progressive revelation.  He sent Jesus into this world to save it not when we humans first turned away from Him, sinned, and needed salvation.  He prepared us for many hundreds of years and then sent Christ when “the right time came” (Galatians 4:4).  Before and even after that big event, there were long periods of silence.  


In our individual lives, too, God often waits and gives us His truth in the ways and times He chooses so that we will be able to accept it.  We are, after all, His children, the Bible tells us.  That means we will have to go through stages of growth to become the people He created us to be.  When Jesus says that the things He wants to teach are “more than you can handle right now,” the word for “handle” is one that is used to talk about holding something, a stone for example.  (It’s the word used in the John 10 story of people who pick up stones to throw at Jesus.)  Some translations use the word “bear” (not the animal, “Gladly, the Cross-eyed Bear,” mistaken for a song with the title of “Gladly the Cross I’d Bear,” not “the bear” in Hokkaido dialect da-be-ya).  It’s not surprising that children will find a big stone too heavy to hold in their hands, and a loving parent will not be angry at them about it. 


When our children were two or three years old, we could have given them a set of great works of literature by Shakespeare, Murasaki Shikibu, and so on.  But they wouldn’t have been able to see the beauty and richness and meaning in them at that time.  They might have torn out a few pages to color on with crayons, but that’s probably about it.  If we had had a suitcase full of \10,000 bills (we didn’t) and put it before them with a bowl of ice cream next to it, there’s no doubt that they would have chosen the ice cream.  That’s the stage of growth they were in then.


That’s natural, as is our lack of strength when we are baby Christians.  But it’s also natural in God’s plans for us that we grow in understanding and love and faith and service.  If that doesn’t happen, it’s a sign of serious trouble.  If our girls, now in high school and college, are still most interested in things like coloring with crayons and eating ice cream, I’m going to become very concerned.  


The Apostle Paul looks at the way the faith of the people in Corinth is developing—or not developing—and tells them something is going wrong.

It’s no surprise if small children still need soft food.  But if you are 20 years old and you are still drinking from a bottle, that’s a red flag.  


Paul writes a similar message to others in Hebrews 5:10-14.  He says that God appointed Jesus to be the high priest, just like the Old Testament character Melchizedek.  But he continues: 


We have a lot to say about that. But it is hard to explain it to you. You learn too slowly. By this time you should be teachers. But in fact, you need someone to teach you all over again. You need even the simple truths of God's word. You need milk, not solid food. Anyone who lives on milk is still a baby. That person does not want to learn about living a godly life. Solid food is for those who are grown up. They have trained themselves with a lot of practice. They can tell the difference between good and evil.


If you are 40 years old and you have only graduated up to a sippy-cup of milk, there is probably a reason.  Something unhealthy is likely happening.  Paul’s words suggest that it’s not just a problem that not enough time has passed.  No, “That person does not want to learn about living a godly life,” he says.  There are Christians who are still drinking milk because they prefer doing that to the hard work of learning and training as Christ’s disciples.  If we are people who have been Christians for decades but still have not learned the basics and aren’t growing into people of mature faith and genuine love, we are moving away from the pattern of development that God has in His plans for us.  


Well, what is that kind of growth, and what can help it become a reality for us?  To find God’s answers to these questions, let’s look back at John 16.

In v. 13a Jesus promises, “But when the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth.”  God the Spirit makes possible in the lives of His people growth and maturity that we cannot produce on our own.  He does this by speaking to us in three main ways.


One is through the Bible.  The New Testament has not yet been written (though parts could have been started) when Jesus speaks in John 16.  But Luke 24:45 tells us that after His death and resurrection, Christ “opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.”  That means the Old Testament, which points ahead to Him.  The New Testament was also written later, of course, and accepted as the word of God.  II Timothy 3:16 reminds us that “God has breathed life into all of Scripture.”  That means it was written under the leadership of God’s Holy Spirit.  


What does God intend to do through the Bible in growing us up as His children?  II Timothy 3:16-17 continues about God’s word:


It is useful for teaching us what is true. It is useful for correcting our mistakes. It is useful for making our lives whole again. It is useful for training us to do what is right. By using Scripture, a man of God can be completely prepared to do every good thing.


If it’s that important, we need to be in the habit of listening to God through His word every day.  We need to pay more attention to what’s written in it than we do what’s written in the news.  That doesn’t mean both are not important, but which are we giving more of our time and attention?  The more valuable one?


Many people have found the Bible a reliable guide to life.  Isaac Newton, the scientist, said, “I have a fundamental belief in the Bible as the Word of God, written by those who were inspired. I study the Bible daily.”  Charles Dickens, the British author, wrote, “The New Testament is the very best book that ever was or ever will be known in the world.”  Abraham Lincoln, the U.S. president who led his nation to end slavery, said the following to a man who was surprised to see him reading the Bible: “Take all that you can of this book upon reason, and the balance on faith, and you will live and die a happier man.”  Helen Keller, the author and speaker, wrote, “Unless we form the habit of going to the Bible in bright moments as well as in trouble, we cannot fully respond to its consolations because we lack equilibrium between light and darkness.”  Mahatma Ghandi said about the Bible:


You Christians look after a document containing enough dynamite to blow all civilisation to pieces, turn the world upside down and bring peace to a battle-torn planet. But you treat it as though it is nothing more than a piece of literature.


God, help us to live by your word and through it come to know and love you more each day.


The second way God’s Spirit speaks is through the Church.  John 20:22 tells how the resurrected Jesus breathed on the disciples and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”  Acts 2:1-4 tells how the Spirit came to this group of believers as a powerful wind and little flames and they were filled with the Holy Spirit, the presence of God Himself.  Then in vv. 38-41 of the same chapter, through Peter’s boldly proclaiming the message of Jesus in public, 3,000 new believers came into the newly-forming Church of Christ.  


Today, too, the Church is one of the key, irreplaceable ways God works.  The Holy Spirit leads people together to worship, work, and witness in communities such as Open Door all over the world.  We all have different things we can do well.  But when we put our spiritual gifts together and use them in Christ’s name, God’s love is deepened and spread out around the world in ways that would never be possible if we were living our lives as believers separately and independently.  


God knows better than anyone how many mistakes and un-Christlike choices the Church has made throughout our history.  But God still chooses to use people like us as tools for doing His work of love, justice, and salvation in this world.  You may hear people say things like, “I have faith, but I don’t want to get involved in organized religion.”  Yet that type of faith does not appear and is not taught in God’s word, the Bible.  Even if we decide to reject organized religion, unless we reject God Himself, the only other thing we can really choose is unorganized religion.  We stumble into that often enough even without trying, and it can be even worse.  


So despite all its faults, let’s join God in not giving up on the Church.  After all, it is the Bride of Christ, the Bible teaches.  So let’s not say to Jesus, “I really like you, but I can’t stand your wife.”  Instead, let’s listen with open minds and hearts to the fresh message that God is giving today through His Spirit to His people, the Church.  And let’s commit ourselves to the adventure of following Him wherever the voice of His Spirit leads us.


Third, and finally, God speaks to us individually in our personal lives of faith.  “The Spirit of God lives in you,” Romans 8:9 says.  That is because Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be with His followers personally and take His place, in a sense, as their Helper after He (Jesus) returned to His home in heaven (see John 16:7b).  So of course God speaks to us as the people whose hearts He has made His home.  This is not separate from our life in Christ’s Church but inside it.  Yet God “guides (us) into all truth” (v. 13) in unique ways through our prayers, experiences, thoughts, and many other means.  Through all these, God develops in us “the fruit of the Spirit” (NIV).  “. . . The fruit the Holy Spirit produces is love, joy and peace. It is being patient, kind and good. It is being faithful and gentle and having control of oneself” (Galatians 5:22-23a).  


So how am I doing in my personal growth?  Am I a good person?  A Christian moving past being a spiritual baby and into a deep, mature faith?  These are the standards God uses to measure our development.  These are the things He wants to see forming in us as His children.  When Christ says to us, “I have much more to say to you. It is more than you can handle right now,” our problem is not only that we haven’t heard enough or experienced enough.  If that were the situation, we could solve the problem by hearing, reading, and doing more and more.  


But human beings are more complicated than that.  There is also the problem of our capacity for learning.  When our minds are dull or our hearts are closed, no amount of good information or opportunity for valuable experience will be enough.  We have to be open, willing, and prepared to learn.  Part of Christ’s work is to open our minds, give us a hunger to know Him, grow our desire to become more mature human beings, and lead us to commitment to becoming more able to learn, grow, and become.  To become able to “handle” the teachings of Christ, we don’t need only more time, more hearing and reading of the words He says.  We also need to become more moral and more loving people.  Growth in integrity and in relationship are at the heart of developing as followers of Christ.  These are the things God is at work through the power of His Spirit to develop in us in our personal, daily lives of faith.


“I have much more to say to you. It is more than you can handle right now.”  On one level, God does not expect us to be able to understand everything and act in perfect faith from the first day of our life as Christians.  But He does expect to help us learn and grow.  That is why Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to His first disciples and all of us who have begun following Him since then.  He gave His word, the New Testament, through the Spirit.  He gave the Church, His Bride, through the Spirit.  He gave His personal presence in the heart of each believer through the Spirit.  Christ was silent when He needed to be silent.  But these are three major ways He began speaking and still speaks when we as His people are ready to listen, learn, and use what we know as we follow Him in faith.     


Let’s pray.


Loving Father, thank you for your great patience with us and for the unchanging love that you show in teaching us, your children.  Thank you that we never have to earn your acceptance but can live by grace.  But precisely because we are understood and loved so deeply by you, help us not to stay where we are but to, as the Bible says, “leave the simple teachings about Christ. Let us grow up as believers. Let us not start all over again with the basic teachings” (Hebrews 6:1) but “go beyond those teachings and grow up” (Hebrews 6:3).  Help us, our Teacher, through the power of your Spirit, to have open minds, open hearts, and spirits that hunger and thirst to know and serve you more each day.  This is our prayer, in Jesus’ name.  Amen.




Ainsworth, P. C. (1912). The Silences of Jesus and St. Paul’s Hymn to Love. London: C. H. Kelly. Hathitrust Digital Library. Retrieved February 9, 2019 from

Dickens, C. Goodreads. Retrieved July 15, 2019 from https://www. ook-that-ever

Gandhi, M. What Christians Want to Know. Retrieved July 14, 2019 from 25-awesome-sayings/#ixzz5tbOF Ytbd

Keller, H. BrainyQuote. Retrieved July 15, 2019 from ble

Lincoln, A. Goodreads. Retrieved July 14, 2019 from https://www.goodreads. com/quotes/tag/bible?page=2

Newton, I. BrainyQuote Retrieved July 15, 2019 from ible









  今日私達は、” キリストの沈黙 “ というシリーズもののメッセージの終わりに向かって行こうと思います。聖書の物語には、何か重要で人生を変えるような事を言ってくださると私達が期待するような場面で、イエス様が沈黙を守られるというものがあります。今日の箇所でもイエス様はかなり多くの事柄について語っているのですが、もっと多くの事については沈黙を守ると弟子達に言っているのです。





        “ 言っておきたいことはまだたくさんあるが、あなた方は今はそれに耐

     えられない。 “ (12節) 










  “ イエスは人々がどのようなものか知っておられた。人々について誰からも   


 にあるかをよくしっておられたのである。 “




その一つは、弟子達が大きな感情的なショックを受けたばかりだということです。イエス様は弟子達から去って行くことを彼らに告げられたばかりだったのです。 “ 今や、私は私をお遣わしになった方の元に行きます。” (5節) とあり、これはイエス様が父なる神様がいらっしゃる天の御国に戻られるということです。イエス様は弟子達の苦痛を知っていることをお示しになります。” 私がこのことを言ったので、あなた方は悲しみで満ちています。” (6節)  弟子達は今や多分3年近くの間イエス様と一緒にいたのです。そして彼らの未来の希望をイエス様に掛けているのです。なので、イエス様が彼らに、” もう少ししたら、あなた方はもはや私を見ることはなくなります。” (16節) と言います。これは小さな喪失ではありません。弟子達は混乱し、悲しみ、深刻な悲嘆へと向かうのです。


 しかし弟子達にとって、このことだけが、イエス様が弟子達に今与えていこと以上のことを受け入れるのを難しくしているのではありません。彼らには宗教的なバックグラウンドがあって、それがメシア、そして神様がこの世に送られる救い主の姿、これらについて全く違った教えを与えているからです。弟子達は、メシア、キリストは彼らの敵を打ち破り彼らに、約束の地、領土、国、家といったものを取り戻してくれるお方であるとずっと教えられてきました。彼らはこれを主に軍事的、政治的、経済的な条件として理解していたのです。そしてイエス様が来られて、” あなた方の敵を愛しあなた方を迫害する者のために祈りなさい。” (マタイ5章44節)またすぐに彼らに、” 剣を元の場所に戻しなさい。剣を使う者は剣で滅びる。” (マタイ26章52節)と続けます。そして、” 私に王国はこの世のものではない。” (ヨハネ18章36節)と言います。イエス様は王としてメシアである場所を諦めてはいません。全く違います。イエス様は、弟子達の持つ文化が実現するよう弟子達に用意したより、もっと広く、より霊的な方法でそれを理解されているのです。弟子達はイエス様の教えのこの部分を受け入れることに特別な困難があるのです。イエス様にとってこのことは戸惑いではありません。イエス様は文化が信仰を持つことがいかに困難なことか分かっておられます。弟子達を深い理解に導くことを諦めてはいませんが、そのためにはより時間が掛かる事も知っておられます。イエス様は、このことが偉大で永続性のある重要事項である故に、掛けられるだけ十分な時間を取るほどに賢明で忍耐強いお方です。


 私は、イエス様がここで弟子達を扱う方法を見て、皆さんや私のための多くの希望を見つけるのです。これまで全ての年月を経た後になっても、神様のこと、聖書のこと、信仰のことで私が得ていないことがまだたくさんあります。これまで私がなりたいと言い続けてきた深い愛、信仰、理解を持つそのような人に私がなるには、まだ長い道のりがあります。しかし神様の言葉は、私達が歩みの遅い未成熟である時に、神様が喜んで私のような者と共に働かれることを思い起こさせてくれます。そのお方は永遠なる神様であって、急がれるお方ではありません。旧約聖書および新約聖書の歴史の全期間を通して神様が人々と共に働かれる方法は私達が進歩的な啓示(黙示)と呼ぶものです。神様がイエス様をこの世の救いのために送られたのは、私達人間が先に神様に背を向けた、罪を犯した、救いを必要とした時ではなく、私達のために数百年間もの間準備(用意)されて、 “ 正しい時が来た。” その時にキリストを送って下さったのです。(ガラテヤ書4章4節)その大きな出来事の前及び後においてでさえ、長い沈黙の期間がありました。




 私達は結局、聖書が言っている通り神様の子供です。これは、私達は神様が創造した通りの人間になるために成長の段階を通っていかなければならないということを意味します。イエス様が教えたいと思うことについて ” あなた方が今現在扱うことができること以上のことだ’ と言われる時、扱う(handle)と言う言葉の意味は、例えば石のような何かを持つということを意味します。(この言葉はヨハネ10章の中でイエス様に向かって投げつけるために石を拾う人々の話に出てきます。)

ある翻訳は “ bear (運ぶとい意味)” を用いています。( 動物の熊のベアーではないし、北海道弁のだべや(da-be-ya, “the bear”)でもありません。“Gladly the Cross I’d Bear “ ( 私は喜んで十字架を担う) というタイトルの賛美歌の”bear”の方が”Gladly, the Cross-eyed Bear”「寄り目の熊 グラッドリ」というキャラクター (※発音が同じ)よりも近い意味を持っています。)



 私達の子供達が2〜3歳の時にでも、シェークスピアとか紫式部と言った文学作品の全集を与えることはできますが、子供は、その時には、それらの持つ美しさ、豊かさや意味深さを理解することができないでしょう! クレヨンで色をつけるために数ページを引き裂いてしまうかもしれません。多分そういうことなのです。もし私達がスーツケースに1万円札をびっしり詰めておいて(しなかったですよ)、アイスクリームの入ったボウルを横に置いて一緒に子供達の目の前に置いたら、子供達は疑いなくアイスクリームを選ぶでしょう。それは子供達のその時の成長の段階なのです。








     “ このことについては、話すことがたくさんありますが、あなた方の耳が   






     ものです。 “



 もしあなたが40歳であって、牛乳を幼児用のカップ(シッピーカップ)で飲むことから卒業したばかりであるとしたら、そこには多分理由があります。何か不健康なことが起きている可能性が高いでしょう。パウロの言葉はそれが十分な時間が経過することだけの問題ではないと示唆しています。” そのような人は信心深い生活を送ることを学ぼうとしない。” と言っています。 未だにミルクを飲んでいるクリスチャンがいます。それはキリストの弟子として学びや訓練という苦労をするよりも良いと思うからです。もし私達が何十年間もクリスチャンであるのに基本的なことを学んでいなくて、成熟した信仰と純粋な愛を持つ人に成長していないなら、神様が私達のために用意された計画の生育のパターンから私達は立ち去ることになります。



13節前段には、イエス様の約束として、” しかし真理である霊が来られる時、あなた方をあらゆる真理に導いてくれる。  “ とあります。




 しかし、ルカ24章45節では、イエス様の死と復活の後で、キリストが ” 聖書が理解できるように彼らの心を開いた。” とあります。これはイエス様のことをあらかじめ示唆する旧約聖書のことです。もちろん新約聖書も後に書かれていて、神様の言葉として受け入れられています。テモテの手紙第2は、” 全ての聖書は神の霊感によって書かれた。” ことを私達に気がつかせてくれています。この意味するところは、聖書が聖霊なる神様の導きの元に書かれたことを意味しています。

聖書を通して神様はどのようにして、神様の子供として私達を成長させて下さるのでしょう? 第2テモテ3章16〜17節では神様の言葉について “ 聖書は全て神の霊感を受けて書かれたもので、人を教え、戒め、矯正し、義に基づいて訓練するために有益です。こうして神に仕える人は、どのような善い行いをもできるように、十分に整えられるのです。 “ と続けています。




 多くの人が聖書を信頼できる人生のガイドとして見つけています。科学者のアイザック・ニュートンは。” 私は聖書に、啓示を受けた人達によって書かれた神の言葉として根本的な信頼を置いている。私は毎日聖書を勉強している。“ と言っています。英国の作家、チャールズ・ディケンズは ” 新約聖書は、これまで、そしてこれからも、この世界において知られている1番の書物である。“ と言い、自国の奴隷制度を終焉に導いたアメリカの大統領エイブラハム・リンカーンは、彼が聖書を読んでいるのを知って驚いた男の人に次のように言いました。” 理性と信仰によるバランスに応じてこの本から取れることを全て取りなさい。そうすれば幸福な男として生きて死ぬことができる。“    作家で講演者である、ヘレン・ケラーは ” 順境の時も逆境の時も聖書に向かう習慣を作らなければ、聖書による慰めに完全に応答することはできない。なぜならば、我々は光と陰の平衡状態を知らないからだ。“ と書いています。

マハトマ・ガンジーは聖書について、 ” あなた方クリスチャンは、全ての文明を爆発させ細切れにして、世界を逆さまにし、戦いで引き裂かれたこの星に平和をもたらすダイナマイトを内包するこの文書を大切にしているが、一つの文学以上の価値がないかのように取り扱っている。“ と語っています。




神の霊が語られる二つ目の方法は、教会を通してです。ヨハネ20:22に、よみがえられたイエスが弟子たちにどのようにして息を吹きかけ、そして、「聖霊を受けなさい。」と言われたのかが書かれています。 使徒2:1~4では、聖霊がこの信者たちのところに力強い風と小さな炎でもってどのようにやって来られたのか、そして、彼らが神の臨在の中で聖霊に満たされたということが述べられています。それから同じ章の38~41では、公衆を前にしてペテロが大胆にイエスのことを説教することによって、3000人の新たな弟子たちができたばかりのキリスト教会に加えられました。 


















愛する父なる神様、あなたの子どもである私たちを、大きな忍耐と変わらない愛をもって教え導いてくださり感謝します。私たちが行ないによってあなたに受け入れられるのではなくて恵みによって受け入れられていることを感謝します。けれども、私たちはあなたによって深く理解されて愛されているからこそ、聖書が言っているように、救い主についての簡単な教えにただとどまり続けるのではなく、そこからさらに前に進んで行くことができるように助けてください。クリスチャンとして成長させてください。 へブル6:1にあるように、基本的な教えを何度も最初から始めなければならないような歩みではなくて、へブル6:3にあるように、それら基本的な教えを習得して次の段階へと進ませてください。私たちの先生である神の霊、聖霊の力によって、私たちの思いと心と霊を開いてください。そして、日々あなたに飢え渇き、もっとあなたを知り、もっとあなたに仕えることができるように助けてください。イエス様の御名によってお祈りします。アーメン 





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